1904 Applegreen's Bar Book by John Applegreen



r pint a pollinaris The juice of one lemon I large piece of ice Stir this well, decorate with small bunch of green mint. Ser ve in small thin tumblers. [ Tlte above cups are all made dry; z'f you de– s£re t h em sweet add a small table-spoon of p ow– d ered s ugar to eaclt cup. ] CIDER CUP. Use la rge glass pi tcher into which put I lemon, sliced r orange 2 pieces cucumber rind r pony brandy I pony white curacoa r~ qua rts champagne c ider, or sweet cider as preferred The juice of one lemon I la rge piece of ice. Stir well, decorate with small bunch of green mint. Serve in medium size tumble rs. VE LVET . Use la rge glass p itche r into wh ich put 1 la rge lump of ice r bottle Dublin stout r p int champagne S tir well a nd serve in small thin tumblers. Dark imported beer may be used in place of Dublin stout if pre ferred . This makes a very bracing drink in warm weather .

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