1904 Applegreen's Bar Book by John Applegreen


IMPERIAL PUNCH . U se large punch bowl, into which pu t F ive p ounds of s ugar, and dissolve this with a little water, then add

4 quarts cold coffee 3 qua rts port wine 2

good b ra ndy

2 gallons c ream I large piece of ice Stir well and serve in sma ll glass cups. T his may a lso be frappeed by putting it in to a large ice cream freezer, and freezing it sof t. The a bove serves one hundred people. HOLLAND P UNCH. Use la rge punch bowl, in to which d issolve four pounds of sugar, then add

4 qua r ts b randy 4 qua rts sauterne I q ua rt rum 2 q ua rts lemon juice 8 quarts a pollinaris or Johannis wa ter I la rge lump of ice Stir well a nd serve in small glass cups.

This may a lso be frappeed if desired, by put– ting it in a large ice c rea m freezer a nd freezing soft. T he above serves one hundred people. STRAWBERRY PUNCH. Use large punch bowl, into which dissolve three pounds of sugar, then add 2 qua rts lemon juice 5 quarts claret

3 quarts s trawberry ju ice 8 quarts apollina ris water

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