1904 Applegreen's Bar Book by John Applegreen

APPLEGREEN'S TEMPERANCE DRINKS. P L AI N L EMONADE U se a la rge mixing glass into wh ich put One lemon cu t in two Add one table-spoon of powdered suga r

Mash well with muddler Add a small amount of ice F ill glass with wa ter Shake well, s train, or serve in th e ice as cus– tomer prefers . Decorate with fruit in season if desired. FRUIT L EMONADE

U se large mixing glass The juice of one lemon

One table-spoon of powdered sugar }i dozen strawberries or raspberries Mash well with muddler Small amou n t of ice

Fill glass with wa ter, shake well , s train, or serve in the ice as prefered by you r customer. APOLLINARIS L EMONADE. Use large mixing glass T he juice of one lemon One table-spoon of powdered sugar Small amount of ice One split of apollinaris wa ter Stir this weil with a large bar spoon: strain or serve in the ice, a s prefered by customer. Decora te with frui t in season if desired. J OHANNIS L EMONADE. Same as apollinaris lemonade, except use a split of J ohann is wa ter in p lace of the apollinaris. SELTZER LE MONADE . Same as apollinaris lemonade, except use

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