1904 Applegreen's Bar Book by John Applegreen
I dash Peychaud bitters 1 dash syrup
J jigger either French er Italian vermouth, whichever customer prefers. Lemon peel Ice S tir and stra in in to cocktail glass. SHERRY COCKTAIL. 1 dash orange bitters 1 d ash Peychaud bitters 1 jigger sherry L emon peel Ice S tir and strain into cocktail glass. TRIL BY COCKTAIL. I dash orange bitiers Yz ponJ glass creme de Yvette Yz jigger of dry gin L emon peel Ice S tir and strain in to cocktail glass. SLOE GIN COCKTAIL . I dash orange bitters
Yz jigger sloe gin Yz jigger dry gin L emon peel Ice Stir and strain in to cocktail glass STAR COCKTAl L. I dash orange b itters Yz jigger a pple brandy Yz jigger Italian vermouth Lemon peel Ice Stir a nd stra in into cocktail glass.
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