1904 Applegreen's Bar Book by John Applegreen

I mi>rnvemont nt tho l\\"Or1u;cr hntol nn<.I rr11.trturant rnl &l110 lo lo mnny ro•poct! the n10•t Import.ant culinary bO hundrud nntt t.wenty– alx 11nKoD; o.n lnper. bound 111 tea tber nnd omboill•hOtl with •pcclnlly ao– •l11ned frontl•1•loce. Prloo, 11o•tpnlc1. fl. --- ·- - ·---- - · ·---·------ Vl!a'l'l' l'OCICWr PA~'l'R\' BOOK. lly .lohn )!l. :llo l•tor. 'l'he ruonnloultt.r ltum oao bo 110.rl on tbo 1netnnt. 1 rh1e lndox alrm 11or1uu1lout1Lr Tl\luo nuu romlntlor. Thu ( 'ull11ar1 Handbook c11m•h1t" or 1.ho nrtloloR umlur thltt hnn.d thl\L hAvu 01111uurl1'-t In 1110 JloTkL Mo.NTRJ.\· t111r· lnll thu lnttt tour yo1u1. 'J'ho book '"' htina-.ome11 bounll In lo"tbt.'r l\nd 11rlntt 1 ll on bond 11ai11or. PrlC1U. poAtpnld I:!. A ~1·;1.1~C!'l'!ON (ff llltlllHH ANll "" r. en Jol~"fol IU'.MI Nlllllt. lly 1·1111•. l<'ollo""· ~·1 rth od1tlo11. h1bou1oat populnr

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