1904 Drinks as they are Mixed by Paul E Lowe



Clasping my bier to show the grief you feel, I say, if I should die to-night And you should come to me, antl there and then Just even hint 'bout payin' me that ten, * THE THESPIAN'S TOAST. Here's that a spook may us affright, \ .Vherev er we mny roam; . For if t he ''ghost walks'' not a ll right vVe thespians must walk h ome. * TO-MORROW CAN WAIT. '' Let us have wine a nd women, mir th a nd la ug hter, Sermons and soda water the day after.'' * ''Here's Goocl Luck.'' * DRINK WHILE YOU CAN . Drink to-clay a nd drown all sorrow, You shall perhaps not d o 't to-morrow; Best while you have it use your breath, There i s no drinking aft er death. * "Laugh at all things, Gr eat and small thin gs, Sick or w ell, a t sea or shore; Wbo the devil car es for more9" Whi le we live let 's l ive in clover, For wh en we 're cleacl, we 'r e dead all over . * ' 'Let her roll.' ' I might a rise the whil e, But I 'cl chop cl eacl again. - Ben King. While we a.r e quaffing, Let's have laughing-

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