1904 Drinks as they are Mixed by Paul E Lowe

EUVS Collection Brian Rea's Collection


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Containing Upwards of 300 Re– cipes for Mixing and Serving Drinks. An Invaluable Companion to All Who Are Engaged in the L iquor Business. Including Toasts

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T he purpose of this littl e vest-pock et manual is t o provide an un erring and infallible guill e to that vast a rmy of workers whi ch is engagell in caterin g to th e public from behind th e bars of the countless Hotels, Buffets alll1 Drink– ing Resorts of every description throughout the United States anll the English-speaking world. The work is most uniqu e anu original, b eing th e only one of its kinu evt:r b efore pub– lish e

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4 PREFACE for all kinds of modern drinks, t ogether with appropriate toasts and valuabl e hints and instructions r elating to t he bar business in all its details, and which if faithfolly studied ant! applied w ill enable the veriest novice in the busi– n ess to b ecome an exper t mixer and a thoroughly compet ent bar-tender in a r ema rkably short time. The work also contains a number of v ery suggestive and amusing illustra– tions, for which the publishers are in– debted to th e courtesy and affability of

Messrs. G. F. Heublein & Bro., New York, Hartford and London, Sole Own– ers and Distributers of Heublein's Fa– mous Club Cocktails. The work is al so an excellent guide for private individuals-ladi es a nd gen– tlemen who entertain in their homes– as ampl e and explicit directions for making and serving delicious beverages in bulk a re given. Stewards of Clubs, Dining Car Mana– ger s, Butlers in private families a n d all those who cat er to the exclusive classes will :find thii;i work an almost i ndispens– able ai d to them in the performance of their duties. The merit a nd honor involved in any occupation-with all that this assertion



iniplies-lies wholly i n t he conscientiou s and intelligent manner in which t!1c duties of that occupation are dis– charged. In recent y ears, the bar busin ess, k eeping pace with every oth er depart– ment of commercial enterprise, to which our growing and complex civilization has given impetus, has developed into a profession requiring th e hig hest or– der of scientific skill to in sure success. To all t hose engaged in the dispensing of liquors who are ambitious to elevat e t heir business to th e very highest plane of excellence, this pock et gmde wi ll ap– peal, with greater and greater force, after t hey shall have examined , i t s contents and realized the full extent of its in estimable usefulness and value. Prompted more by a desire to confer a lasting benefit upon fe1low workers, in t he great art of mixing drinks, than from any · business consid eration, this little work is most confid ently entru sterl to the k indly consideration and th e fair and impar tial judgment of th e profes- sion by THE AUTHOR.

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For t he greater co nvenience a nt.I r eady reference of bar men, recipes for All Drinks Served from Behind the Bar a re a lp habeticall y arranged in t hi s wo rk a nd Indexed upon an Indented Mar gin unu er their respectiv e Initial Letters. Each drink is gi ven under its proper a nalytical appell ation; the quali fying or di stinguishi ng ingredi ent foll owing t he name of th e drink. Thus: "Whiskey Cocktail '' is shown as ''Cocktail, "'Whjs- key " - the drink itself being a cocktail and t he word ''whiskey'' denoting the kind of cock tail. Hence, for ''Whiskey Cocktail '' look und er the letter '' C. '' For "Hot Scotch Whiskey" look und er the letter "W," since "whiskey" is the drink proper and ''Scotch '' the qualifying t erm. Th e same rul e applies to Cobbl ers, Fizzes, Flips, Pun ches, San– garees, Smashes and all other drinks. f)n page 81 will be found an Index for recipes :For Making Drinks in Bulk for Bottling, and also for Miscella neous J nformation, General Instructions, Toasts, etc., contain ed in this work. Recipes for drinks made in bulk, such as Cups and Punches, t o b e served over tho bar on holidays or for ontert:i in- monts in Clnb , Lodges or Famili es, are given with t he r ecipes for individ– ual drinks mixed l~c hin l the bar, and '












will be found by consulting the In– dented Marginal Index. Absinthe Served in American Style. Finely shaved i ce, %, glass. Gum syrup, 4 dashes. Absinthe, 1 pony. vVater, 2 wineglasses. Shake until sha k er i s frosted and strain in large champagne glass.

Absinthe Served in French Style (or dripped). Absinthe, 1 pony gl ass. F ill the bowl of the absinthe glass (which has a bole in the center) w ith shaved ice and the rest with water. Ra ise the bowl and allow contents to drip into the glass containing the ab– sin t he until the color indicates a suf– ficiency. Ser ve in thin bar glass. Absinthe Served in Italian Style. Use lar ge b ar glass. Absinthe, 1 pony.


1; racked ice, 3 pieces. Maraschino, 3 dashes.



Anisette, ~ pony. Pour in i ce water, stfr slowly wi t h spoon and serv e. Ale, Mulled (or Hot). Fill a p ewter · mug with ale, h eat a n iron to a white heat, immerse it slowly and do not allow the ale to overtlow the mug. Then serve. ''Arf and Arf,'' or Black and Tan. Use ale glass or bar mug a nd £]] with half porter and half ale; or half old and half new ale, or porter and stout with ale, as the customer may


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Astringent. Port wine, 2-3 wineglass. Jamaica ginger, 5 clashes. French brandy to £11 the glass. . Stir gently with spoon, sprinkle a li t· tle nutmeg on top and serve. Auditorium Cooler. White sugar, 1 teaspoonful. Ginger ale, cold, 1 bottle. Stir, decorate with berries and fl'uH and serve. Use l arge bar glass. Lemon juice, 1 lemon.




FAr CY DRii: KS :

Beef Tea . Use a hot water glass. Extract of b eef, % teaspoonful. Fill glass with hot water, season with pepper, salt and c@l ery salt, serv e with spoon and a small glass o; ice on the side. Benedict ine. Place a whiskey glass bottom side up on the bar and on top of this place a pony glass and :fill it with b ene



'fo serve hot, fill glass with boiling water a nd sprinkle wit h nutmeg. Blue Blazer. Use two metal mugs. Sugar dissolved in little hot wat er, 1 t easpoonful. Scotch whiskey, 1 win eglass. Set fi re to th e liquor a nd pour it sev– eral t imes, while blazing, from one mug to t he otber. Twist lemon skin on top and ser ve.






Bon Soir.

Use sherry gla ss. lee, glass % fu ll.

Cr eme Yvette, % pony. Benedi ctine, l;,! pony. Ginger ale to fill the glass. Stir gently with a spoon and serve 1Yith a straw. B::i:to:::i Cooler. Use large glass. Rind of lemon, 1.




Ice, 3 1 U!.11 ps. Sarsaparilla, 1 bottl e. Ginger ale, 1 bot tle.

Bra ce Up.

Use large bar glass. Powder ed sugar, 1 tabl espoonful. Angostura or Boker 's bitters,


dashes. Lemon juice, 3 dashes. Lime jui ce, 1 dash. Anisette, 2 dashes. Egg, 1. Brandy, %, glass. Shaved ice, lh glass.

Shake well in shak er, strain into large glass, fill with Apollinaris or

Seltzer, and ser ve. Brandy, Pony of.

Use small bar glass, placing same be– fore customer, and another glass con– taining ice water. Brandy, 1 pony glass. Pour from pony glass into the empty gl ass on bar. Brandy and Ginger Ale.

Use large punch glass. Brandy, 1 wineglass. Ginger ale, 1 bottle. Stir with spoon and serve. Bran dy and Soda . Use large punch glass. Ice, 2 pieces.

Brandy, 1 wineglass. Plain soda, 1 bottl e. Stir and serve.

Brandy, Burnt. Loaf sugar, place in a saucer, 2 lumps. Cognac,.11h jiggers. Set on fire and allow brandy and sugar to burn for about 2 minutes. Ex-



tinguisb the fire by covering tbe saucer with a pl::i.te and serve in a. bar glass. Brandy Champerelle. Use small wineglass. Reel Curacoa, 1-3 wineglass. I Anisette, maraschino, or yellow Char- ~ treuse, 1-3 wineglass. Brandy, 1-3 wineglass. F Angostura bitters, 1 light dash.

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Champagne. Serve champagne very cold in cham– pagne glasses; but never put ice or water in it. Claret and Ice. Use star champagne glass. Ice, 3 or 4 lumps. Clar et, to fill the glass. Claret, Mulled. Put into a dish.

Sugar, 3 or 4 lumps. Lemon juice, 2 dashes.



W h ol e a llspice, 4 (brui sed ). Whole cloves, 2 ( bruised) . Gr ound cinnamon, 1-3 t easpoon . Cl aret, 2 w in eglasses.

L et the compound come t o a boil a n d boil t wo minutes, stirring con t i n uou sly ; t h en strain and pou r i nto a la rgo b a r g la ss. Cobbler, Brandy. U se medi um size mix.mg gla ss. Sugar, 'dissolved in a l it t le water, 1 desser tspoonful. Ice sha ved, to fill the g lass. Cognac, 1% jigger s. Sha k e well, decora te a nd ser ve wi th straws. Cobbler, California Sherry. Use large b ar gla ss. Pineapple syrup, 1 pony. Cal ifornia sherry, 2 w ineglasses. Sha v ed ice, to fill t he glass. Stir w ell ; dress with fr uit ; t op w ith a little P.or t w in e a nd ser v e wit h straw. Cobbler, Cat awba. Use lar ge b a r glass. I ce, sha ved, gla ss 112 full. Powder ed sugar d issolvotl i n little water, 1 t easponful. Orange, 1 slice quarter ed. Cat awba wine, 1 wineglass. F ill up with fin e ice, stir, dress with b erries a nd serve wi th straw. Cobbler, Champagne. Use lar ge b ar glass. S ugar, 1 t easpoonful. Orange p eel, 1 slice. L emon p eel, 1 slice. Sha v ed i ce, glass 3h full. Champagne to fill t he glass. Dress with fn1its and eerve wi th straw.



Cobbler, Claret.

Use large bar glass. Sugar dissolved in 14 wineglass water, 1 t easpoonful. Orange, 1 slice quartered. Claret, 2 wineglasses.


Jee, fin e, to fill glass. Serve with a straw. Cobbler, Rhine Wine. Use large bar glass. Ice, fill glass 11,, fu ll.



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A COBBLER Sugar, 1 tablespooniul. Mineral water, 1 jigger. Rhine wine, 2 jiggers. Fill t he glass up with ice; stir well; decorate with fruit and serve with


straws. Cobbler, Sauterne.


Use large bar glass. Tro, 1111 gla ss ¥.. full. OrchfJl'fl f!yr11p 1 1A ,iigger,




Sauterne, 2 jiggers. Fill up with ice; stir well; decorate with fruit and serve with straws. Cobbler, Sherry.

Use l arge bar glass. Syrup, 1 teaspoonful. Lemon peel, 3 pi eces, twisted. Ice, :fine, fill glass.

Sherry 'vine, fill glass nearly to top. Stir with long bar spoon, bringing the syrup and l emon peel n early to the top; dress with fruit a nd serve w it h straws. Cobbler, Whiskey. Use lar ge bar glass. Sugar dissolved in water, 1h tabl e- spoonful. Maraschino, 1 dash. Whiskey, 1 jigger. Orange, 1 slice quar t er ed. F ill glass with ice; stir; dress with fruits and serve with straws. Cocktail, Absinthe. Use mixing glass. Ice, fill glass %, full. Absinthe, 1 pony glass. Water, pour in slowly 1 wineglass. Syrup, 1 teaspoonful. An gostura bitter s, 2 dashes. Stir and strain in cocktail glass. cocktail, Blackthorne. Use mixing glass. Ice, :fine, fill glass 2-3 full. syrup, ~ ~easpoonful. L emon Juice, ~ teaspoonful. Orange bitters, 2 dashes. Angostura bitters, 1 dash. Vermouth, 1h wineglass. Gin, Sloe, 7'2 wineglass. Stir well; strain into cocktail glass and serve.



Cocktail, Brandy.

Use mixing glass. Ice, fine, fill glass 2-3 f ull. Syrnp, 1 t easpconful. Lemon peel, 1 piece. Angostura bitters, 2 lashes. Brandy, 1 wineglass.

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Stfr; strain into cocktail glass and serve. Cocktail, Brandy (Fancy). Use mi.xing glass. Ice, fill g)ass. Maraschino, 3 dashes. Bok er 's or Angostura bitters, 2 clashes. Orange bitters, 1 dash. Brandy, 1 jigger. Moisten the rim of a cocktaH glass with a piece of lemon and dip it in powdered sugar; mi.'C and strain into






cocktail gla ss ancl serve. Cocktail, Buster Brown. Use mixing glass. Ice, fine, fill glass 2-3 full. Lemon juice, 14 t easpoon. Syrup, 1 teaspoonful. Orange bitters, 2 dashes. Whiskey, 1 jigger. Cocktail, Champagne. Use t all, thin glass. Sugar, 1 lump. Angostura bitters, 2 clashes. Ice, 1 small lump. L emon peel, twisted, 1 niece. Champagne to :fill the glass. Stir with spoon and serve. Cocktail, Cincinnati. Use b eer glass. Beer, fill glass % full. Soda, to fill the glass full.

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Cock t ail, Club.

Use large bar glass. Ice, sbaved 1

fill glass lh full.

Pineapple syrup, 2 dashes. Bitters, 2 dashes. Mar aschino, 2 dashes. Old brandy, %, jigger.

·Mix with spoon; strain ; d ress with strawberries a nd t wist pi ece of lemon peel on top and dash with cha mp:1gne.

Cocktail, Coffee. Use large bar glass. Ice, fill glass 2-3 full. Sugar, 1 t easpoonful• . Egg, 1. Port wine, 1 wineglass. Brandy, 1 pony.

Shake well ; strain into mcdium– i zed thin glass ; sprinkle with nutmeg nd serve. ockta il, Country. Use mixing glass. Ice, fill the glass. Ora nge bitters, 2 dashes. Doker 's or Angostura bitters, 2 ashes• :Rye whiskey, 1 j.igger.



Lemon peel, 1 pi ece. Shake well a nd str ain into cock tail glass. Cocktail, Deronda . Use mixin g glass. Ice, fill tb e glus . Calisaya, fill glass 1-3 full. 'P ly mouth gin, fi ll glass to top. Shak e well and st rain in to cocktail glass. Cocktail, Dixie. Mak e a plain whisk ey cock tai l and acltl: Curacoa, 1 clash. Creme de menthe, 5 drops. Cockt ail, Dude. Use large b ar glass. Ice, 2 or 3 Jumps. L emon or sweet soda, :fill glass. Stir; dress with fru it and serv e. Cocktail, Duplex. Use mixing glass. Orange bit ter s, 3 clashes. Vermouth, Itali an, 1 pony. Vermouth, F rench, 1 pony. Acid phosphat e, 3 cl ashes. Shak e well; strain into cocktail glass a nd serve. Cocktail, Express. Use lar ge b ar glass. Ice, :fine, glass 1-3 full. Syrup, 2 drops. Creme de vauille, 1 pony. Lime j uice, 1 t easpoonfu l. Ice, :fill gla ss. _




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Orange bitter s, 3 dash es. Vermouth, Italian, 1 pony.


Whiskey, Scotch, 1 pony. Stir; strain into cocktail glass and serve.



Cocktail, Gin.

Use mud.ng glass. Ice, fill glass 2-3 full. Lemon p eel, 1 piece. Syrup, 1 t easpoonful.

Ora nge bitters, 2 dashes. Angostura bitters,' 1 dash. Gin, 1 wineglass. Stir and strain in cocktail glass. Cocktail, Golden Bell. Use mh.'ing gl ass. Ice, fill glass. Orange bitters, 3 dash es. Sherry, fill gla ss 1h full. V ermouth, fill bala n ce of glass. Orange peel, 1 piece. Mix and strain into cockt a il glass. Cocktail, Golf Links. Use mixing gl ass.

Ice, fine, fill glass 2-3 full. Lemon juice, 1 ,4 t easpoonful. Syi·up, 1 teaspoonful. Orange bitters, 2 dashes. Angostura bitters, 1 dash. Catawba, sweet, 1h wineglass. Whiskey, r ye, 1h wineglass. Medford rum, 1 dash.

Stir well and strain into a cocktail glass the inside of which bas been coated evenly with abricotine by rins– ing. Then dash with Apollinaris, dress with fruit and serve. Cocktail, H arvard. Use mi.~ing glass. Ice, fill th e glass. Boker 's bitters, 3 dashes. Syrup, gum, 1 dash . Vermouth, Italian, 1 pony. Brandy, 1% ponies. Mix; strain into cocktail glass; fill with seltzer and serve qui ck ly .



Cocktail, Irish.

Use mixing glass. Ice, :fill t he glass.

Orange bitters, 3 dashes. Acid phosphate, 2 dashes. Vermouth, Italian, 1 pony. Whiskey, Irish, 1 wineglass.



Mix; strain into cocktail glass and ser ve. Cocktail, J apanese or Mikado. Use large bar glass. I ce, shaved, fill glass 1h full. Orgeat syrup, 1 tablespoonful Angostura bitters, 2 dashes. Brandy, 1 wiueglass. Stir; strain and serve. Cocktail, Lone Tree. Use mixing glass. Ice, :fill glass. Vermouth, Italian, 1 pony. Tom gin, 1 wineglass. Mix and strain into cocktail glass. Cocktail, Manhattan. Vermouth, 1h jigger. Whiskey, 1h jigger. Lemon peel," I piece twisted. Stil' and strain into cool cocktail glass. Cocktail, Martinez. This drink is made the same as the Manhattan Cocktail above, substituting gin for whiskey. Cocktail, Metropole. Use mixing glass. Ice, :fine, fill glass. P eyscbaud or Angostura bitters, 2 1 dashes. Use mLxing glass. Ice, :fine, :fill glass. SyTup, lh baTspoonful. Angostura bitters, 1 dash.





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Orange bitter s, 1 dash. Gum syrup, 2 dashes. Vermouth, F r en ch, % jigger. Br andy, % jigger. Cocktail, Old Fashioned. Use old-fashioned cocktail glass. Sugar, 1 lump. Seltzer, 1 dash, and crush sugar with muddler. Ice, one square piece.

Ora nge ·bitters, 1 dash. Angostura bitters, 1 dash.

L emon peel, 1 piece. Whiskey; 1 jigger. Stir g ently antl ser ve with spoon.

"ON THE HousE"

Cocktail, Old Sport. Vse mixing glass. Ice, fine, fill glass 2-3 full. Syrup, 2 teaspoonfuls. Pineapple syrup, 1 t easpoonful. Orange bitters, 2 dashes. Angostura or Peyscha ud 's bitters, 1 clash. Sherry wine, lh jigger. Whiskey, rye, 12 jigger. tir well and etrain into a cocktail

ROW TO MU THEM 23 glass wh ich h:lS been evenly coat ed insid e by r insing t he glass wit h Y:! t easpoonful of abricotine. Dash wit h Apollinaris or selt zer, dress with frui t and serve. Cockt ail, Old Tom Gin. Use small b ar glass. Ice, shaved, fill glass. Gum syrup, 3 dashes. Angostura or Boker 's b itters, 2 •lashes. 'uracoa, 2 dashes. Olrl '1'0111 gin, 1 win eglass. St ir ; st rain; twist piece of lemon peel on top and serve. Cocktail, Oyst er. Use t umbler.

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L emon juice, 3 clashes. Tobasco sauce, 1 dash. Tomato catsup, 1 clash. Oysters, six, with t heir liquor.

Season with pepper and salt; mix and ser ve wit h sma ll fork in t he glass. Cocktail, Rising Sun.

Uso a large bn r glass. Jee, 'shaved, :fill glass. Curacoa, 1 t easpoonful. P ineapple syrup, 1 t easpoonful. Angostm a bitters, 3 dashes.


Maraschi no, 2 dashes. BTancly, 1 wineglass.


Stir well ; strain into cocktail glass ; twist a piece of lemon peel on t op nn

Brandyt 1 pony. Whisk ey, 1 pony. Vermout h, 1 pony.

S i1ak e well ; strain into claret and ser ve with a slice of lemon.



Cocktail, Soda.

Use lar ge bar glass. Ice, 3 lumps. Sugar, 1 t easpoonful. Angostura bitters, 3 dashes. L emon soda, :fill glass. Stir well and serve. Cocktail, Star. Use mixing glass. Ice, fine, fill glass. Gum syrup, 2 dashes. Orange bitters, 3 dashes. Vermouth, Italian, ¥z jigger. Apple brandy, % jigger. Mixj; strain; add small twist l emon peel and serve. Cocktail, Trilby. Ora nge bitters, 3 dashes. Acid phosphate, 3 dashes. Whiskey, fill glass 2-3 ful l. Calisaya, :fill balance of glass. Mix; strain into cocktail glass ser ve. Cocktail, Tuxedo. Tom gin, % jigger. Mix; strain into cocktail ~lass and serve. Cocktail, Whiskey. Use bar glass. Ice, 1 lump. Sugar, 1 lump, dissolved. Angostura bitters, 2 dashes. L emon juice, 1 dash. Whiskey, 1 j igger. Stir and serve. Use mixing glass. Ice, fin e, fill glass. Use mixing glass. Ice, fine, fill glass. Angostura bitters, 1 dash. Sherry wine, 1 barspoonful. Vermouth, Italian, ¥z jigger. a nd •




Cocktail, Whiskey (New York). Use mixing glass. Ice, fine, fi ll glass. Boker 's or Angostura bitters, 2 dashes. Vermouth, Italian, ¥2 jigger. Sherry, 1;.2 teaspoonful. • Whiskey, 1 jigger. Mi.'i: and strain into cocktail glass; F add small twist of lemon peel and ser ve. Cocktail, Vermouth. Use small bar glass. Ice, fine, fill glass lh full. Vermouth, French, 1¥2 pony. Angostura or Boker 's bitters, 3 clashes. Gum syrup, 2 clashes. Stir and serve. Cordials and French Liqueurs. These drinks when drunk straight are served in the same manner as b eneclic– tine. (See Benedictine, page 10.) Creme De Menthe. Use sherry glass. Ice, fin e, fill the glass. Serve with 1 straw cut in 2 pieces. Crusta, Brandy. Use large bar glass. Ice, shaved, fiH glass %, full. Gum syrup, 4 dashes. Angostura or Boker 's bitters, 2 dashes.



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L emon juice, 2 dashes. Maraschino, 2 dashes. Brandy, 1 wineglass.


!'eel the rind in one piece from ~ lemon and fit it into a cocktail glas~ so as to cover the entire inside; th en moisten the rim of th e glass with a piece of lemon and clip glass into pow·

26 FANCY DRINKS: dered sugar. Stir and strain into the prepar eu glass. Dre!ls with fruit a ud ser ve. Crust a, Gin. Make t he same as Bra ndy Crusta, above, substituting gin for. brandy. Crusta, St. Croix. Use large bar glass. Ice, shaved, fill glass l/! full . Orchanl syr up, 4 dashes. Angostura or Boker 's bitters, 1 J ush. P r epare a cocktail glass as directed for Brandy Custra, a bove; stir a_nll strain into prepared glass; dress wit h fruit and berries and ser ve. Crust a, Whisk ey. Use large bar gl ass. Ice, shaved, fill giass :If:! full. Gum syrup, 4 claslies. Angostura bitters, 2 clashes. Lemon juice, 2 dashes. L emon juice, 1 dash. Maraschino, 2

Oranges, sliced, 8. L emons, sliced, 4. Curacoa, 1 quart. Chartreuse, 1 pint. Abricotine, 1 pint. Cognac, 1 quart. Tokay wine, l ' qua rt.



Stir well ancl let sta nd over night and when ready to use a ·1 '!: Ice, 1 large piece.

Apollinaris, 3 quarts. Champa~ne, 6 quar ts.

Dress with fruit; fl oat two pieces. of shaclclock on top antl serve in cham· pagne cups. Cup Claret (2 gallon mixture). Use large punch bowl.

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P ineapple, 1 can. Oranges, slice l, 4. Lemons, sliced, 3. Abricotine, 3 wineglasses. Curacoa, 2 wineglasses. Mineral water 1 Claret, 4 quar t bottles.

2 quart bottles.

' Stir well a nd let st and 4 hours b e· fore using ; t hen p ut i n bowl. Tee, 1 large piece. Champagne or other spark ling wine, 2 quart s. Decorate the ice with fruits; float a large slice of shaddock on top, and serve in champagne glasses. Cup Claret (3 gallon mixture). Use large punch bowl.

Pineapple, 2 cans. Oranges, sliced, 8. L emons, sliced, 4. Curacoa, 4 wineglasses. Abricotine, 2 wineglasses. Apollinaris, 2 quart bottles. Claret, 6 quart bottles.


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Stir well and let staucl 3 or 4 hours before using ; t hen fil ter it into an· other bowl with a lar ge piece of ice ancl aclcl : Champagn e or any other sparkling win e, 4 quarts. Decorate the ice with fruits ; fl oat a large slice of shaclclock on top, and serve in champagne glasses.



Cup Moselle (for 6 people). Use glass pitcher. '

Cracked i ce, fill pitcher :y.':1, full. Sugar~ cut loaf, 6 or 8 pieces.

L emon,- sliced, 1. Orange, sliced, 1. l'ineapple, 4 slices. Cognac, 1 pony. Abricotine, 1 pony. Curacoa, 1 pony. Moselle, 1 quart. Apollinaris, 1 pint.

Mix well and add thin piece of cu– cumber skin ; decorate with fruit and 1,4 of a slice of shaddock, a nd serve in stem glasses. Cup Rhine Wine ( for 6 people) . Use glass pitcher. Cracked ice, fill pitcher 1,4 fu ll. Loaf sugar, 6 or 8 pieces.

Lemon, sliced, 1. Orange, sliced, 1. Pineapple, 4 slices. Brandy, 1 pony. Abricotine, 1 pony. Curacoa, 1 pony. Rhine wine, 1 quart. Apollina1'i s, 1 pint.

Mix well and add thin piece of cu– cumber skin; deaorate with fruit and 1,4 of a slice of shaddock, and serve in stem glasses. Cup Sauterne (for 6 people). Use glass pitcher. Cracked ice, fill pitcher 1,4 fu ll. L oaf sugar, 6 or 8 pieces.

Lemon, sliced, 1. Orange, sliced, 1. Pineapple, 4 slices. Cognac, 1 pony. Abricotine, 1 pony. Curacoa, 1 pony. S auterne, 1 quart.



Apollinaris, 1 pint. . Mix well and add a t hin piece of cu– cumber skin ; decorate wit h f ruit and ~ of a slice of shad

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stem glasses. p aisy, Brandy.

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Use small bar glass. Ice, fine, fill glass 1h full. Gum syrup, 3 or 4 dashes. Curacoa, 2 or 3 dashes. Lemon, 1h juice of 1.




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" BLOWING HIM O FF .. Orange conlial, 2 or 3 dashes. Brandy, 1 wineglass. Shak e well ; strain a nd fill seltzer or Apollinaris and serve. Daisy Gin. Use small bar glass. Prepared in the same manner as Bra ndy Daisy above, substituting for brandy.

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the gin



D a isy Ginger.

Use small bar glass. Prepared in the same manner as the Brandy Da isy above, substituting gin· ger a le for the charged water. D aisy Rum. Use small bar glass. Prepared in same ma nner as Brandy D a isy above, substituting r um for brandy. D aisy , S anta Cruz Rum. Use small bar glass. lee, sbave



Shake; strain in thin lemona cl e glass; fill up with Club soda; stir a nd serve. Egg Nogg. Use large bar glass. Ice, fin e, fill glass 1h full. Egg, 1. Sugar, 1 teaspoon heaping full. .:;·ama ica rum, 1-3 jigger. Brandy, 2-3 jigge r. fill up with mi lk; shake; strnin into tall t hi n glass; sprinkle with nutmeg and serve. Egg Nogg, Baltimore. Use large bnr glass. Egg, yolk of 1. Suga r, 'Xi tab lespoo nful. Nutmeg and ground cinnamon, pinch of each. neat the ab ove into a cream; th en ad d: Jamai ca rum, 1h pony. Madeira wine, %, jigger. Drancly, lJ1 jigger. Ice, cracked, 3 or 4 lumps. Milk, fill glass. Shake ; strain; sprinkle with nut– meg and serve. Egg Nogg (2 gallons. For party.). Use lar ge bowl. Sugar, powdered, 2 lbs. Eggs, 20. Separate yolks from whites of eggs. Beat the yolks t ill very t hin and beat the whites into a stiff froth. Dissolve the sugar into th e yolks well with a spoon and then pour this mixture into bowl and aclrl: Brandy, olcl, 2 quarts. Jamaica or St. Croix rum, 1% pints. Milk, 1% gallon s. l\fix all above well togeth er except the egg froth and milk. Then pour in

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the milk slowly, stirring all the time. Then pour t he froth carefully over the top of the mix ture and serve in pun ch glasses, dipping out with a latlle, an d sprinkle nutmeg on t op of each glassful. E gg Nogg, Hot. Use small ba r glass. Sugar, 1 tablespoonful. Egg, 1. Br a ndy, 1 wineglass. J amaica rum, lh wineglass. Milk, hot; fill g lass. ~bairn a~


E gg Nogg, I mperial. Prepar e same a s Hot Egg Nogg above, substituting cold for hot milk a nd u sing 1-3 of the glass of shaved ice. E gg Nogg, Plain. Use small b ar glass. Sugar, 1 l ar ge t ablespoonful. Ice shaved, ~ glass. E gg, 1. Whisk ey or Santa Cruz rum, 1 wine– gla ss. Milk; fill up the gla ss. Shak e; strain into t all t hin ghtss~ sprinkle with nutme~ a nd ser ve.



Egg Nogg, Sherry.

Use small bar glnss. , ugar, 1 tablespoonful. Egg, 1. Branrly, 1 pony. Sherry, 1 wineglass. Ice, sbavetl, fill up glass. Shak e ; . train into fan cy bar glass ancl serve with nu tmeg on top. Fix, Applejack. Use large bar glass. Pineapple or any fruit syrup, ~ pony. Applej ack br anrly, 1 wineglass. . Orange or pineapple, few small pieces. Stir well a n


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FA CY DRl 1 K :

Santa Cru z nun, 1 win egla ss. Stir ; dress with fru it aud serve with str aw. Fix, Whiskey. Prepare in the same ma nner as for Applejack Fix, substitu ting whiskey

for Applejack. Fizz, Brandy. Use medium bar glass. Ice, sh aved, % glass.




Sugar, 1 t easponful. L emon, juice of :\6 . Brandy, 1 wineglass. . Egg, white of, 1 or 2 dash es.

Shake ; strain into fizz glass; fill up with ·seltzer or Appollinaris water and serv e to b e imbibed at once while ef– fervescing. Fizz, Gin (Silver),

Use large b a r glas. Ice, fin e ; fill gluss•.

now TO MI x TITP.M


Sugar, 1h tablespoonful. Lemon, juice of lf:,. Old 'l'om giu, 1 jigger. Egg, white of 1.

Shak e ; strain iuto fi zz glass; :fill ' 11 p wit h seltzer :incl ser ve to be cl runk whilst effer vescing. Fizz, Golden.

·Use mixing glass. Ice, fine; fill glass. Sugar, l/~ tablespoonful. L emon j uice, 4 clashes. Tom Gin, 1 wineglass. Egg, yolk of 1.

Q Ii

Shak e; strain in to fi zz gl ass; fill with seltzer ancl serve t o be thunk while effer vescing. Fizz, Morning Glory. Use medium size mixing glass. Ice, 2 or 3 lumps. Sugar, 1 b arspoon h eaping full. L emon, juice of 1. . Absi nthe, 2 clashes mixed in table· spoonful of water. Egg, white of 1. Gin or whisk ey (as preferred), 1 jigger. Shak e; strain into large punch glass; fill wi t h seltzer and ser ve to be clrunk while effervescing. Fizz, Royal. Use mixing glass. Ice, fi ne; fill 2·3 full. Egg, 1. Sugar, lf2 tablespoonful. Gin or whisk ey (as preferred ), 1 wineglass. Shak e; strain ino fizz glass; fill wit h Apollinaris to be drunk while effer· vescing. Lemon, juice of 1;'2.





36 '

Fizz, Sloe Gin.

Use large ba r glass. Ice, :fine ; fill glass 1h full. Lemon, juice, 3 dashes. Sugar, 1;2 t a blespoonf-i.il. Sloe gin, 1 jigger.

Shake· strain into :fizz glass ; :fill with seltzer ~nd serve to be drunk while effervescing. Flip, Ale.

Use ale glass. Ale; fill glass. Sugar, 1 teaspoonful. Egg, 1 whole broken in.

Sprinkle top with nutmeg; lay n. spoon across top of glass and serve. Flip, Bra ndy. Use medium size mixing glass. Egg, 1 broken in whole. Sugar, 1 dessertspoonful. Ice, 2 lumps. Cognac, 1 jigger. Shake; strain into small, thin glass; serve with nutmeg on top. Flip, Claret. Use mixing glass. I ce, 3 small lumps. Sugar, 1 tablespoonful dissolved in little water. Egg, 1. Claret, l lh jiggers. Shake very hard; strain in to a punch glass ; serve with nutmeg on top. Flip, Gin. Prepa re in the same ma nner as for brandy, substituting Holla nd gin for brandy. Flip, Port Wine. Use mixing glass. Ice, fine; :fill glass % full.








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"HERE'S LooK1Nc AT You"

Flip, Sherry. Prepare in the same manner as for Brandy F lip, substituting Sherry wine for brandy. Flip, Whiskey. P repare in the same manner a s for Brandy F lip, substituting whiskey for brandy. Use cocktail glass. Water, carbonated or plain; fill glass 2-3 full. Brandy, 1 pony floated on top, using spoon. Float, Brandy.





( All "Float s" of st raight li quors a re made in the same manner .) Frappe, Absinthe. Use mix ing glass. Ice, shaved; fill glass. B enedi ct ine, 1 teaspoonf ul. Absinthe, 1 pony. · Water, 1 wineglass. S hake un t il outside of sha k er is frosted ; strain into a 6 ounce glass a nd ser v e.

Frappe, Champagne. P lace t he b ottle in a champagne cooler filled with shaved i ce a n cl salt ; whirl the bottle until t h e wiue b ecomes almost frozen. Frappe, Vermouth. Use lar ge b ar glass. Ice, shaved ; fill glass lf:i full. Ver mout h, F r ench, 1 11:! pony. S eltzer or Apollin aris ; fill up glass. Stir anlt ser ve.



Golden Slipper. Use wineglass. Yellow Chartreuse, 1h wineglass. Egg, 1 yolk. Danziger Golclwasser, 1h wineglass. In preparing, do not break the yolk of egg. (Delicious lady 's drink.) Half and H alf. Use beer glass or pewt er mug. Beer, % glass.


Porter or ale, 1h glass. (American method.) High Ball. Use small punch glass.



Ice·, 1 lump. Rye, Bourbon or Scotch whiskey (al·


low customer to pour) . Carbonated water; fill glass.


(Very popular drink.) High Ball, Admiral Schley, Use High Ball glass. Ice, 1 piece. Pineapple syrup, 1 teaspoonful. Lemon juice, 1 teaspoonful. Tokay or Sweet Catawba wine, 2-3 wineglass. · Irish whiskey, 2-3 wineglass. Apollinaris or seltzer; fill glass full. Serve. High Ball, Bizzy I zzy. Use High Ball glass. Ice, 1 piece. P in eapple syrup, 2 teaspoonfuls. Lemon juice, 1h t easpoonful. Sher ry wine, % wineglass. Rye whisk ey, % wineglass. Apollinaris or seltzer; fill up glass.


v w

Stir gently and serve. High Ball, Ginger Ale. Use High Ball glass. Ice, 1 lump.



Whiskey, Rye or Bourbon (allow cu!! tomer to pour). Ginger ale; fill up glass. High Ball, Golf Links. Use High Ball glass. Ice, 1 lump. Pineapple syrup, 1 t easpoonful. Lemon juice, 1 teaspoonful. Sweet Catawba wine, 1h wineglass.

Rye whiskey, 1h glass. M edford rum, 1 dash.

ScoTCH H1aH BALL . Apollinaris or seltzer water ; fill up glass. Stir gently and ser ve. High Ball, :King Edward. Use High Ball glass. Ice, 1 lump. Pineapple syrup, 1 t easpoonful. L emon juice, 1 t easpoonful. Tokay or l::lweet Cat awba wine 1;:! wineglass. ' Scotch whiskey, 1h wineglass.



Apollinaris or seltzer ; fill up glass. Serve. High Ball, Marchioness. Use high ball glass. Ice, 1 lump. Pineapple syrup, 1 t easpoonful. Lemon juice, 1 t easpoonful. Tokay or Sweet Catawba wine, 1h wineglass. Cognac, 1h wineglass. Apollinaris or seltzer; fill up glass. Serve. High Ball, Uncle Sam. Use high ball glass. Ice, 1 lump. • L emon juice, 1 teaspoonful. Syrnp, 1 t easpoonful. Abricotine, lh t easpoonful. Dry Catawba, l/ 2 wineglass. Tokay wine, 1h wineglass. Brandy, 1 pony. Pineapple, 1 slice. Seltzer or Apollinaris; fill up glass. Serve. Horse's Neck. Use large fi zz glass. Ice, 3 lumps. Lemon peel of 1 whole lemon cut in one long string and arranged in glass, allowing one end to hang over the edge of the glass. Ginger ale (imported); fill up glass. Serve. Humpty :Qumpty. Use mixing glass. I ce, fin e ; fill glass 2-3 full. Sugar, 1h tablespoonful. Egg, 1. Brandy, %, wineglass. J amaica rnm, 14 wineglass. Milk; fill up glass. Shake well; strain into large punch glass; sprinkl e with nutmeg and serve.





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Julep, Brandy.

Use lar ge goblet. Ice, fin e ; fi ll gobl et. Cognac, 1 jigger.

Mint, sever al sprigs bruised in a littl e water a nd sugar, w ith a mudd ler i n a small mi.xing glass; stra in t his into goblet. Jamaica rum, 1 clash. Stir, dr ess with fruit a nd few sprigs of mint, wh ich bas b een moistened a utl



Julep, Whiskey. P repare in t he same manner as for Brandy J ulep, substituting whiskey for cognac. John Collins. Use large bar glass. Ice, 6 lumps. Sugar, 1 teaspoon. Lemon juice, 3 clashes. Tom gin, 1 jigger.

P lain soda, 1 bottle. Stir well and serve.



Use bell sherry glass.

Maraschino, % glass. Egg, yolk of 1. · Benedictine, enough to surround egg. Kummel; fill glass almost fu ll. Angostura bitters, 2 or 3 drops.



Serve. Knickerbocker.

M N 0

Use large bar glass. Ice, sbavecl; fill glass. Raspberry syrup, 3 t easpoonfuls. Lemon, juice of %. Pineapple, 1 slice. -Orange, 1 slice. St. Croix rum, 1 wineglass. Curacoa, % wineglass. Stir; dress with fruit and serve with a straw. Kitty. Ice, 1 lump. Clar et, fill glass lh full. Ginger ale, fill balance of glass. Use tall, thin glass.






Serve. Lemonade Apollinaris. Use mbcing glass. . Ice, fine; fill glass 2-3 full. Sugar 1


powclered, l tablespoonful.



L emon, j uice of 1. Apollina ris, 1 split glass. Stir; strain into l emonade glass with fruit and ser ve. Lemona de Cordial. Prepar e t he same a s P lain L emonade, ornament with fruits a nd pour in slow– ly 1h pony of the cor dial p referred b y. the customer.


Lemonade, Egg.

Use mixing glass. Ice, cracked; fill glass 1-3 full. Sugar, t abl espoonful. L ime juice, of 2 limes. E gg, 1. Wat er, :fill the gl a ss full.

Shake ; stra in into lar ge cut goblet ; decorate wit h fr uit a nd ser ve witli stra,ws. Lemonade, Hot. Prepar e in the same ma nner a s f or cold, plain l emonade, using hot instead

HOW TO MIX THEM 45 of cold water. Serve with a long ban· die bar spoon and a little ice in another

glass on the side for cooling. Lemonade, Mineral Water,

Prepare in same manner as for plain lemonade, substituting for plain water whatever mineral water may be desired. Stir instead of shaking. Serve. Lemonade, Orgeat. Use large bar glass. Ice, shaved; fill glass % full. Water; fill balance of glass. Sugar, 1 teaspoonful. Lemon juice, 4 dashes. Orgeat, lllz wineglass. Stir; dress with fruit; serve with straw. Lemonade, Plain. Use large bar glass. Ice, cracked; fill glass l/2 fulJ. Sugar, 1 teaspoon heaping full. Lemon juice, 6 dashes. Water; fill up glass. Shake well; dress wi t h fruit and serve with straw. If customer desires th e drink strained, strain into smaller glass and dress with slice of orange. Lemonade, Port Wine. Use large bar glass. Ice, shaved; fill glass % f ull. Sugar, 11h teaspoonful. Water; fill up balance of glass. Port wine, 4 dash es. Shake, dress with fruit and serve. Lemonade, Rhine Wine. Use a goblet. Ice, shaved; fill glass 1-3 full. Sugar, 2 teaspoonfuls. Lemon juice, Yz lemon. Rhine wine; fill glass. Stir; dress with fruit and serve.


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Use large bar glass. Ice, shaved; fill glass % full. Sugar, 1 t abl espoonful.

Limes, juice of 3. Water; fill glass. Shake; dress with fruit a n

Morning Call.

Use large b a r glass. I cc, shaved; fill glass 1h full. L ime or lemon juice, % ;iigger. Masaschino, 11,i jigger. Absinthe, 1,1,i jigger. Stir gently, dress with fruit and ser ve with straw,

1-ioW TO 10 X T13:EM


Nectar, Soda.

Use la rge bar glass. L emon, juice of 1 l emon. Apollinaris or seltzer, 'Ji glass. Sugar, 1 t easpoonful. Mix well, add lh small t easpoonf ul bicarbonate of soda; stir a ntl serve to be drunk while foaming. ( Goocl mor ning drink; gentle, laxa– t ive.) Negus, Port Wine. Use small ba r glass. Sugar, % table~poouful. Port •wine, 1 wrncglass. Hot water; fill gla. s 1-3 full. Spril1kle with nutmeg and ser ve. , Orangeade. Use la rge gl ass. I ce, fin e; fi ll glass lh full. Sugar, 1 t ablespoonful. Orange, juice of 1 orange. Water ; fill glass. S hak e; dr ess with fr nit and serve with straws. Peach and Honey. Use whiskey glass. H oney, strained, 1 tablespoonful. Peach br a ndy, 1 jigger. Stir wit h spoon a nd ser ve. Phosphat e Angostura. Use t hin, medium b ar glass. Acid phosphat e, lh t easpoonful. Angostura bitter s, 1 teaspoonful. L emon syrup, 3 clashes. Seltzer; fill up glass. Ser ve. Pick Me Up (t o sober up with) . Use la rge bar glass. Ice, 1 pi ece.

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Lemon, j uice of 1 lemon. Worcest er Sauce, 1 jigger. Seltzer; fill up glass. Ser ve.



Pony. A pony of a ny l iquor, wu1e or cordial

A CouPLE ov PoNIES is the drink served in the smallest stem glass made ;. known as a ''pour . ' ' E or b eer an d malt liquors a pouy is served in the small est size b eer glass.


Porter, Mulled. P r epare in the same ma nner as for



Mull ed Al e (see page 9), subst ituti ng Dublin S tout for ale. Pousse Cafe Abricotine.

Uso pousse cafc glass. Abricotine, 1-il glass. Maraschino, 1·6 glass. Curacoa, 1-6 glass. Char treuse, 1-6 glass. Bran dy, 1-6 glass.

Use great car e tha t colors do not mi.'-'.. Set fire to b randy, allow to blaze a momen t a nd extinguish wit h bottom of another glass, and serve. Pousse Cafe, American.

Use pousse cafe glass. Chartreuse, 11.i, glass. Maraschino, 11 glass.

Curacoa, l/.i, glass. Brandy, 14 glass. Use care t hat colors do not mix. Ser ve. Pousse Cafe, French.

Use pousse cafe glass. Maraschino, % glass. Raspberry syrup, 1-6 glass.

Vanilla, 1-6 glass. Curacoa, 1-6 glass. Chartreuse, 1-6 glass. Brandy, 1·6 glass.



Pour in each ingredient separat ely from a small wine glass, using gr eat car e that t h e colors do no~ mix. Ser ve. Pousse Cafe, Leah. Use pousse cafe gl ass. Raspberry syruR, 1-6 glass.

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Mara schina, 1-6 glass. Or ange syrup, 1-6 glass. Cnracoa, 1-6 glass. Yellow Chartreuse, 1-6 glass. Green Chartreuse, 1-6 glass.



Brantly , 1-6 glass. . Pour in car efully each ingreu1ent so they will not mix. Serve. Pousse Cafe, P arisian. Use pousse cafe glass. Curncoa, 2-5 glass. Kirsclnvasser, 2-5 glass. Cha r tr euse, 1-5 glass. Use care to avoil1 color s mixing, aI!l1 serve.

Om;: ON THE Boss

Pousse L'Amour.

Use sherry glass. . Creme de vanille; pour little in glass. Egg, the yolk of 1, car efully laid on top of Cr eme de Vanille. , . .Maraschina, cover the yolk of egg w ith. Cognac ; fill up the glass. Serve. Punch, Arrack. Use punch glass. Ice, 1 piece. Batavia ar rack, %, jigger.



Jamaica rum, 1,4, jigger. . Sugar, 1 large sr oonful dissol ved. in another glass, wit h t he juice of 1 }lroe and a little Apolliuaris, and pour into punch glass. Stir well; clash with champagne; stir again; decorate and serve.· Punch, Brandy. Use large b ar glass. Ice, shaved; :fill glass '}:' 1 full. Sugar, powdered, 2 teaspoonsful in little water. L emon, 1 h . St. Croi.'\'. rum, ¥! wineglass. Bra ndy, 11/~ wineglass. Pineapple, 1 piece. Orange, 1 slice. Shake well, dress with fruit and serve with straw. Punch, Champagne (for four). Use glass pitcher. Champagne, 1 quart bottle. Sugar, ¥! pound. Orange, 1 sliced. Lemon, juice of 1. Pineapple, 3 or 4 slices. Strawberry syrup, ~ wineglass. Dress with fruit and serve in large champagne goblet s. Punch, Chocolate. Use ·lar ge bar glass. Ice, :fine; :fill glass 2-3 full. Sugar, 1 teaspoon. Port wine, 1 wineglass. Curacoa, 1 pony. Egg, 1. Milk; ftll up glass. Shake; h rain into punch glass ;



sprinkle with nutmeg and ser 7e. Punch, Claret. Use large bar gl ass. I ce, fine ; fill gla,ss 2-3 foll.




Sugar, 1 tablespoonful. L emon juice, 4 dashes. Claret, 2 wineglasses. Sha k e ; strain in to thin glass; dress with fruits and serve with straws. Punch, Claret (recept ion) , 2% gallon mixture f or 50 people.

Use punch bowl. Ice, 1 la rge piece. · Suga r, cut loaf, 2 pounds. Lemons, juice of 14. Oranges, 14 cut in slices. Pineapple, 1 can sliced. Claret wine, 5 qua rt bottles. Cognac, 1 quart. Carbonated water, 4 quarts. Abricotine, 7 ounces. Punch, Claret (strain ed). Use large mixing glass. Ice, fine ; fill glass. Syrup, 11h t easpoonsful . Lemon juice, 1 teaspoonful. Claret; fill glass almost full . Seltzer; dash to fill glass.

Shake ; strain into small pun ch glass ureviously cooled with fine ice; dress with fruit and serve. Punch, Claret, Club House. Use large mixing glass. Ice, fine ; fill glass. Syrup, 1h barspoonful. Lemon juice, 4 dashes. Orange juice, 4 dashes. Claret, 2 wineglasses. Punch, Club House (3 gallon mixture) . Use lar ge bowl. Oranges, 9, cut in slices. Lemons, 9, cut in slices. 1 1 Tokay or Sweet Catawba, 2 1-3 gal– lons. ~ I P eaches, 1% cans. P inapples, 11h cans.



Brandy, llh quarts. Jamaica rum, 4 jiggers. Abricotine, 3 jiggers.

Allow t his mixture to stand in the bowl for about 8 hours in ice box, then put good sized piece of ice in another bowl of sufficient capacity a nd straw the mixture into this second bowl; decorate the ice with fruit and serve Use large bar glass. Ice, shaved, ~ glass. Vermouth, 1 jigger. Medford rum, 1 Jigger. Orange bitters, 1 clash. Gum syrup, 3 dashes. Lemon juice, % lemon. Stir; serve with preser ved p each. Punch, Companion (l1/ 2 gallon mixture for 25 people). Use large punch bowl. L emon juice, 1 pint. Syrup, 1 pint. Orange j uice, lh pint. Brandy, 1 pint. Dry and Sweet Catawba, 4 quarts, equal parts. Carbonated water, 2 quarts. Stir well; put large square piece of ice in bowl and decorate it with fruit. in punch glasses. Punch, Cohasset.



Serve in punch glasses.

Punch, Curacoa.


Use large bar glass.

Ice, shaved; fill glass. Sugar, 2 t easpoonfuls. Lemon juice, 4 clashes. Brandy, 1 wineglass. Curacoa (red), 1 pony. J amaica rum, 112 pony. Dress with fruit and serve with straw.

Made with