1904 Drinks as they are Mixed by Paul E Lowe



W hiskey, 1 wineglass. Stir well; str ain i nto n. som glass; dress with fruit and ber ries and serve. Sour, Applejack. Use mixing glass. Ice, fine; fill glass 2-3 f ull. Syrup, 1 teaspoonf ul. P ineapple sy rup, 2 teaspoonfuls. L emon juice, 1 t easpoonfu l. Applejack 1 1 wineglass. Stir a nd strain into a meil ium size thin glass, dash wit h seltzer, decorat e with fruit and ser ve. Sour, Blackthorne. Use mixing glass . Ice, shaved; fill glass 2-3 full. L ime or lemon j uice, 2 t easpoonfuls. P ineapple syrup, 1 teaspoonf ul. Abricotine, 112 t easpoonful. Sloe gin, 1 wineglass. Stir; strai n into claret gla ss; uress with fruit and serv e. Sour, Brandy. Use mhing glass. Ice, fine; fill glass %, full. Syrup, 1 large barspoonful. L emon, juice of 14 of 1. Brandy, 1 jigger. Stir well and strain into a sour gla ss wit h fruits and ser ve. Sour, Champagne. Use mixing glass. Ice, shaved; fill glass 1-3 full. Sugar, 1 t easpoonful. L emon juiee, 1 t easpoonful. Champagne; fill up glass. Stir slowly; decora te with fruits; dash with b randy and ser ve with a straw. Sour, Duchesse. Use mixing glass. Ice, shaved; fill glass 2-3 full.

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