1904 Drinks as they are Mixed by Paul E Lowe



Stir well ancl let sta nd over night and when ready to use a ·1 '!: Ice, 1 large piece.

Apollinaris, 3 quarts. Champa~ne, 6 quar ts.

Dress with fruit; fl oat two pieces. of shaclclock on top antl serve in cham· pagne cups. Cup Claret (2 gallon mixture). Use large punch bowl.

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P ineapple, 1 can. Oranges, slice l, 4. Lemons, sliced, 3. Abricotine, 3 wineglasses. Curacoa, 2 wineglasses. Mineral water 1 Claret, 4 quar t bottles.

2 quart bottles.

' Stir well a nd let st and 4 hours b e· fore using ; t hen p ut i n bowl. Tee, 1 large piece. Champagne or other spark ling wine, 2 quart s. Decorate the ice with fruits; float a large slice of shaddock on top, and serve in champagne glasses. Cup Claret (3 gallon mixture). Use large punch bowl.

Pineapple, 2 cans. Oranges, sliced, 8. L emons, sliced, 4. Curacoa, 4 wineglasses. Abricotine, 2 wineglasses. Apollinaris, 2 quart bottles. Claret, 6 quart bottles.


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Stir well and let staucl 3 or 4 hours before using ; t hen fil ter it into an· other bowl with a lar ge piece of ice ancl aclcl : Champagn e or any other sparkling win e, 4 quarts. Decorate the ice with fruits ; fl oat a large slice of shaclclock on top, and serve in champagne glasses.

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