1904 Drinks as they are Mixed by Paul E Lowe



Hunyadi-Janos. .Tohanuis Water. Loudoill1erry Lithia Water. Magnesia ·w a t er. R ed Raven Splits. Syphon Seltzer. Wa ukesha Wa t er (aer at ed). Miscellaneous Supplies.

Berries. Cheese_ Cherri es. Eggs. Jamaica Ginger. L emons. Limes. Mint. Olives. Oranges.

Peppermint. Pineapples. Quinine. Sugar (Loaf). Sugar (Powdered). Syrup (Gum). SUPPLY OF GLASSWARE RE– QUIRED IN A FIRST-CLASS BA& Absinthe Drip. Ale Mugs. Ale, Porter and Beer. Beer (Shell). Beer Steins. Champagne. Champagne Cocktail. Claret. Cocktail and Sour. Cordial. Egg Nogg. l<'an cy Pitchers (Glass)_ Finger Bowls (for Spoons and Strainers). Fizz. Hot Wa ter.

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