1904 Drinks as they are Mixed by Paul E Lowe



W h ol e a llspice, 4 (brui sed ). Whole cloves, 2 ( bruised) . Gr ound cinnamon, 1-3 t easpoon . Cl aret, 2 w in eglasses.

L et the compound come t o a boil a n d boil t wo minutes, stirring con t i n uou sly ; t h en strain and pou r i nto a la rgo b a r g la ss. Cobbler, Brandy. U se medi um size mix.mg gla ss. Sugar, 'dissolved in a l it t le water, 1 desser tspoonful. Ice sha ved, to fill the g lass. Cognac, 1% jigger s. Sha k e well, decora te a nd ser ve wi th straws. Cobbler, California Sherry. Use large b ar gla ss. Pineapple syrup, 1 pony. Cal ifornia sherry, 2 w ineglasses. Sha v ed ice, to fill t he glass. Stir w ell ; dress with fr uit ; t op w ith a little P.or t w in e a nd ser v e wit h straw. Cobbler, Cat awba. Use lar ge b a r glass. I ce, sha ved, gla ss 112 full. Powder ed sugar d issolvotl i n little water, 1 t easponful. Orange, 1 slice quarter ed. Cat awba wine, 1 wineglass. F ill up with fin e ice, stir, dress with b erries a nd serve wi th straw. Cobbler, Champagne. Use lar ge b ar glass. S ugar, 1 t easpoonful. Orange p eel, 1 slice. L emon p eel, 1 slice. Sha v ed i ce, glass 3h full. Champagne to fill t he glass. Dress with fn1its and eerve wi th straw.

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