1904 Drinks as they are Mixed by Paul E Lowe



Cocktail, Gin.

Use mud.ng glass. Ice, fill glass 2-3 full. Lemon p eel, 1 piece. Syrup, 1 t easpoonful.

Ora nge bitters, 2 dashes. Angostura bitters,' 1 dash. Gin, 1 wineglass. Stir and strain in cocktail glass. Cocktail, Golden Bell. Use mh.'ing gl ass. Ice, fill glass. Orange bitters, 3 dash es. Sherry, fill gla ss 1h full. V ermouth, fill bala n ce of glass. Orange peel, 1 piece. Mix and strain into cockt a il glass. Cocktail, Golf Links. Use mixing gl ass.

Ice, fine, fill glass 2-3 full. Lemon juice, 1 ,4 t easpoonful. Syi·up, 1 teaspoonful. Orange bitters, 2 dashes. Angostura bitters, 1 dash. Catawba, sweet, 1h wineglass. Whiskey, r ye, 1h wineglass. Medford rum, 1 dash.

Stir well and strain into a cocktail glass the inside of which bas been coated evenly with abricotine by rins– ing. Then dash with Apollinaris, dress with fruit and serve. Cocktail, H arvard. Use mi.~ing glass. Ice, fill th e glass. Boker 's bitters, 3 dashes. Syrup, gum, 1 dash . Vermouth, Italian, 1 pony. Brandy, 1% ponies. Mix; strain into cocktail glass; fill with seltzer and serve qui ck ly .

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