1904 Drinks as they are Mixed by Paul E Lowe
Shake; strain in thin lemona cl e glass; fill up with Club soda; stir a nd serve. Egg Nogg. Use large bar glass. Ice, fin e, fill glass 1h full. Egg, 1. Sugar, 1 teaspoon heaping full. .:;·ama ica rum, 1-3 jigger. Brandy, 2-3 jigge r. fill up with mi lk; shake; strnin into tall t hi n glass; sprinkle with nutmeg and serve. Egg Nogg, Baltimore. Use large bnr glass. Egg, yolk of 1. Suga r, 'Xi tab lespoo nful. Nutmeg and ground cinnamon, pinch of each. neat the ab ove into a cream; th en ad d: Jamai ca rum, 1h pony. Madeira wine, %, jigger. Drancly, lJ1 jigger. Ice, cracked, 3 or 4 lumps. Milk, fill glass. Shake ; strain; sprinkle with nut– meg and serve. Egg Nogg (2 gallons. For party.). Use lar ge bowl. Sugar, powdered, 2 lbs. Eggs, 20. Separate yolks from whites of eggs. Beat the yolks t ill very t hin and beat the whites into a stiff froth. Dissolve the sugar into th e yolks well with a spoon and then pour this mixture into bowl and aclrl: Brandy, olcl, 2 quarts. Jamaica or St. Croix rum, 1% pints. Milk, 1% gallon s. l\fix all above well togeth er except the egg froth and milk. Then pour in
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