1904 Drinks as they are Mixed by Paul E Lowe

1-ioW TO 10 X T13:EM


Nectar, Soda.

Use la rge bar glass. L emon, juice of 1 l emon. Apollinaris or seltzer, 'Ji glass. Sugar, 1 t easpoonful. Mix well, add lh small t easpoonf ul bicarbonate of soda; stir a ntl serve to be drunk while foaming. ( Goocl mor ning drink; gentle, laxa– t ive.) Negus, Port Wine. Use small ba r glass. Sugar, % table~poouful. Port •wine, 1 wrncglass. Hot water; fill gla. s 1-3 full. Spril1kle with nutmeg and ser ve. , Orangeade. Use la rge gl ass. I ce, fin e; fi ll glass lh full. Sugar, 1 t ablespoonful. Orange, juice of 1 orange. Water ; fill glass. S hak e; dr ess with fr nit and serve with straws. Peach and Honey. Use whiskey glass. H oney, strained, 1 tablespoonful. Peach br a ndy, 1 jigger. Stir wit h spoon a nd ser ve. Phosphat e Angostura. Use t hin, medium b ar glass. Acid phosphat e, lh t easpoonful. Angostura bitter s, 1 teaspoonful. L emon syrup, 3 clashes. Seltzer; fill up glass. Ser ve. Pick Me Up (t o sober up with) . Use la rge bar glass. Ice, 1 pi ece.

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Lemon, j uice of 1 lemon. Worcest er Sauce, 1 jigger. Seltzer; fill up glass. Ser ve.

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