1904 Drinks as they are Mixed by Paul E Lowe




Use mixing glass. Ice, shaved; fill glass 2-3 full. P ineapple syrup, 2 spoonsful. Syrup, 1 t easpoonful. Lemon juice, 1 teaspoonful. Tokay or Sweet Catawba wine, 1 wineglass. Whiskey, 1-3 wineglass. Jamaica rum, 1-5 wineglass. Abricotip.e, 1-5 wineglass.

.A LITTLE "POLLY,, ON THE SIDE Stir; strain into punch ·glass, decorate with fruit, dash with Apollinaris and serve. Velvet, Champagne. Use goblet. Champagne (ice cold); fill goblet lh full. Porter (ice cold); fill up goblet. Stir gently with spoon and serve,

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