1905 The Hoffman House Bartender's Guide by Charles S. Mahoney
Southern Club Martini Cocktail. Use mixing glass Izvo-thirds full shaved ice. Place water and cool cocktail glass before eustomer, two clashes syrup, four dashes Curaeoa, two dashes Maraschino, one small jigger Italian Vermouth, one small jigger Gordon gin or any good double-stamp gin; stir well, strain into cocktail glass, sciueeze piece of orange peel on top and serve; don't put peel in glass.
Eagle Cocktail.
Use mixifig glass filled zvith icc.
Two dashes syrup, two dashes orange bitters, two dashes Angostura, two dashes Vermouth, four daslies Absinthe, one-half wine glass gin; stir with spoon and strain into cocktail glass with or without olive.
Lemon Cocktail. Fill mixing glass two-thirds full fine ice, one tea- spoonful syrup, one or two dashes orange bitters, one or two dashes Peychaud bitters, three-ciuarters wine glass Old Crow whiskey, juice of half a lemon; stir well, strain into a cooled cocktail glass with fruit if desired. 156
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