1905 The Hoffman House Bartender's Guide by Charles S. Mahoney

Dizzy Sour.

Use large bar glass.

Mash half a lemon. Two spoonfuls of powdered sugar. . Three-fourths full of fine ice.

One jigger rye whiskey. Three dashes Benedictine

Shake well, strain in a sour glass, put in a piece of pineapple, float one-third jigger Jamaica rum on top and serve.

Gin Sour.

Use large bar glass. One large teaspoonful sugar, dissolved in a little seltzer or Apollinaris water. Two or three dashes lemon juice. One wine-glass Holland or Old Tom gin. Fill the glass three-quarters full of shaved ice, shake up and strain into a sour glass. Dress the top with orange, or pineapple and berries.

Champagne Sour.

Use large bar glass. One teaspoonful powdered sugar, i'wo or three dashes lemon or lime juice. One-third shaved ice. Fill up with wine, stir well, and dress with fruit and berries in season.


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