1905 The Hoffman House Bartender's Guide by Charles S. Mahoney

When your tour of duty is completed, don't hang around; get out at once. Always be on time; remember the other man gets tired, too. Don't shake dice or play games of chance with customers. Familiarity breeds contempt; don't get too chum my with people on short notice. Look out for the hangers on; they are always knockers. Keep your cash register correct; then you will not have to blame your partner. Always serve a customer with a dry glass. If you happen to be alone in the place don't allow the porter to serve customers at the bar. Let the customers have all the arguments among themselves; a good listener is a wise man. When serving plain drinks, always put a dry glass on the bar, with a side glass of ice water or what ever water is desired. Always allow the customer to help himself from the bottle or decanter. When in doubt consult this bar guide ; it will help you out of many a hole and keep you up to date.


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