1906 How to Mix Drinks Compiled Selected and Concocted by G Spaulding and W Rositer

22 HOW TO iinx DRINKS. CORDIALS, (Cont'd), POUSSE L'AMOURE : Use sherry glass. Directions same as pousse cafe. Sherry, one-quarter glass, Yolk of egg, cold, drop in. Qreen vanilla, one-quarter glass. Cognac brandy, one-quarter glass. FIZZES. :BRAND 'ii ake same as gin fiz z , using brandy EAGLE: instead of gin. Use large glass. Pulverized sugar, one tablespoon. Lemon juice, three dashes. White of one egg. Gin, one wineglass. Creme de vanilla, one dash. Orange flower: water, two dashes. Seltzer water, one dash, Fine shaved ice, Fill glass with milk, shake well strain. Use large glass. Lemon, juice of one-half. Sugar, half tablespoon. Rye whiskey, one-half wine glass. Port wine, half glass. White of one egg. Shake thoroughly, strain into small g'lass, add seltzer and serve with slice pineapple. and GAZETTE: Use large glass. Yolk of one egg. Powdered sugar, two teaspoons. Lemon juice, three do.shes. �';.'j � d : i as � n : h f .;':/ · ice. Shake well, strain in medium glass, fill with seltzer water and drink at once. El.KS :

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I fried it once

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