1906 How to Mix Drinks Compiled Selected and Concocted by G Spaulding and W Rositer


HOW _'£0 M IX DRINK S . PUNCHES ( Cont'd) . Champagne, one quart bottle. Sugar, three tablespoonsful.


Orange, one, sliced. Lemon, juice of one. Pineapple, two

slices cut in


pieces. Dress with fruit and serve in cham· pagne goblets.


Use large glass. Powdered sugar, one tablespoonful..

Lemon, one slice. Orange, two slices.

Fill glass with fine ice, pour in claret, shake thoroughly ; decorate; serve with straw. Powdered sugar, one tablespoonful , dis· solved in a. little water. Lemon, juice of one·half. Cure.coa, one-half wine glass. Jame.ice. rum, one·half wine glass. Fill with finely chop :(l ed ice ; shake well, ornament with fruits in season ; serve with a straw. - - Use large glass. Egg, one, Sugar, one-half tablespoon. Brandy, one wine glass. Rum (St. Croix or Santa. Cruz), one· quarter wine glass. Fill one-third of glass with shaved ice, the balance with milk ; shake well and grate nutmeg on top. "Say, Judge, ain't a wom.an who lws b en " d1t bberl " nearly to d e ath entitl e d to a dtivorce Y" ''Oertainly.'1 "Then y o1i ' d bett e r hana m e o n e ; my old 11wn has jovne

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