1906 Louis' Mixed Drinks with Hints for the Care & Serving of Wines by Louis Muckensturm
Each receipt is for one person unless otherwise mentioned
Take one teaspoonful of sugar, The juice of half a lemon, One liqueur-glass of Jamaica ram,and Three liqueur-glasses of brandy. Mix wellin a high-ball glass with alump of ice,and orna ment with fruit, and serve with straws.
Take the juice of half a lemon. One teaspoonful of sugar, and One-half a bar-glass of Rye whiskey.
Fill the mixing-glass with shaved ice; shake well and strain into a star-glass. Ornament with fruit of season.
WHISKEY PUNCH, NEW YORK STYLE Take the juice of half a lemon, One teaspoonful of sugar,and One-half a bar-glass of Rye whiskey.
Fill the mixing-glass with shaved ice; shake well and strain into a star-glass. Ornament with fruit of season and floata little claret on top.
Take one teaspoonful of sugar. One raw egg, One liqueur-glass of brandy, and One-half a bar-glass of Jamaica rum.
Pour into a mixing-glass; add some rich milk well and serve with a straw in a high-ball glass. 69
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