1906 Modern American Drinks by George J Kappeler

MODERN AMERICAN DRINKS. 89 Wasser. \ Vhen the sugar is dissolved, strain the mix.'iiure into a punch-bowl containing a large lump of ice, stir until cold; then beat the whites of four eggs firm, add to the punch, sprinkle a little .cinna– mon on top. Kirschwasser Punch. Dissolve one tablespoonful fine sugar with a lit– tle water in a mixing-glass, add the jui ce of half a lemon, half a pony maraschino, one jigger Kirsch– wasser, fill the glass with fine ice. Mix well, trim with fruit . Sip with straws. Knickerbocker Punch. Fill a mixing-glass half-full fine ice, add half a t ablespoonful fine sugar, three

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