1906 Modern American Drinks by George J Kappeler



ger whiskey; mix well, trim with fruit, add a squirt of seltzer. Serve.

Rhine-Wine Punch. A mixing-glass half-full fine ice, one tablespoon– ful fine sugar , the juice of one-fourth a lemon, two jiggers Rhine-wine ; mix well, fill with siphon seltzer, trim with fruit. Ser ve straws. ·Roman Punch. Fill a large mi.xing-glass half-full of fine ice, add the juice of half an orange, the juice of half a lemon, one tablespoonful fine sugar, a little water to dissolve the suga r , half a jigger J amaica rum, half a jigger brandy; ~ix well, trim with fru1t. Serve on ice with straws. Ruby Punch. Dissolve half a tablespoonful fine sugar with a li ttle ·water in a mixing-gla·ss, fill the glass half full fine ice, add the juice of half a lemon, half a jigger port wine, half a jigger arrack, fill up with cold tea ; mix well, trim with fruit. Serve straws. Russian Punch. . The juice of half a lemon, one tablespooonful fine sugar in a mixing-glass half-full fine ice, arld

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