1906 Modern American Drinks by George J Kappeler




half a ji gger allash, half a jigger orange brandy; mix well; strain into fancy bar-glass, trim wi th fruit. Russian Tea Punch. Dissolve one pound of cut-loaf sugar in three pints of bot green tea, add the juice of three lemons and three ji ggers of creme d'allash, a few thin slices of lemon, serve bot , or when cold ice well and sip with straws. Sauterne Punch. In a mixing-glass, dissolve one t ablespoonfu l fine sugar in a little water, add three sli ces of lemon, one and a half jigger s sauterne, fill the glass with fine ice; mix well. Put all into a long thin punch-glass, trim with fruit. Serve straws. Scotch Whiskey Punch. Prepare in the same manner as Brandy Punch, substituting Scotch whiskey for brandy. . Sherry Punch. A mixing -glass half-full fine ice, half a table– spoonful fine ·sugar, the juice of one-fourth a lemon, the jui ce of one-fourth an orange, one and a half jiggers sherry; mix well, trim with fruit. Serve straws.

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