1906 A Bachelor's Cupboard
A BACHELOR'S CUPBOARD Handy Hints on Housekeeping a few remarks on the " fine husband that man is going to make " who remembers the little things, but they would be out of place In a bachelor book. Many there are, however, who never pay attention to such details, but leave the bed rumpled and tumbled as they jump out of it In the morning. The well-bred young man always airs his bed with the same care In which he takes his morning tub, putting the pillows, If possible, where the sunlight may fall upon them. Falling this, the air at least keeps the feathers fluffy and light and the ticking fresh and clean. TO CLEAN Hair brushes and clothes brushes need BRUSHES constant care to keep them In proper con- Comb the loose hair and dust from them every Pour In the wash basin some tepid water and add ammonia to make strong. Hold the brush In this a few moments, taking care not to let the water go above the bristles' top, then take a whisk broom and brush the bristles out as If dusting them. The ammonia cuts the dirt and grease, and makes a brush like new after such treatment. Dry in the sun or In the open air. If possible. If not, lay on a papef over the radiator. It should be first wiped dry with a clean cloth. Combs may be cleaned In the same way. To clean sponges, squeeze the juice of a lemon into the sponge and thoroughly work It Into the fiber. Then rinse in warm water. This makes It sweet and 206 dition. time they are used. Once a week Is not too often to clean the brushes In dally use.
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