1906 A Bachelor's Cupboard
A BACHELOR'S CUPBOARD Handy Hints on Housekeeping
Horn combs, by the way, should not be
clean as new.
cleaned in water, which causes them to split. One may buy for fifteen or twenty cents at almost any drug store small stiff brushes which come for the purpose of cleaning combs. TO Nowadays, with the prevailing craze for SCOUR collecting copper and brass, most houses COPPER contain at least a few pieces, and they re- quire special care if they be kept bright. To scour copper take two tablespoonfuls of bath brick dust and one tablespoonful of baking soda and mix thoroughly. Dampen a cloth in gasolene or coal oil, dip in the mix- ture and polish with that. Afterward polish with chamois skin. One young bachelor who boasts a fine collection of copper bought most of it from Russian Jews, and some pieces were almost hopeless at first. But this treatment and a little patience made them shine like new. TO Take putty powder and add to it sufficient BRIGHTEN sweet oil to make a paste. Rub with this liRAbb |.|^g brass or copper until all foreign matter Brass may also be cleaned with lemon or orange juice thickened with whiting. Apply with a chamois skin or a flannel rag. To remove verdegris from brass, add to the juice of one lemon a teaspoonful of salt, mix well and apply with a soft flannel. Rinse and rub well with chamois 207 is removed. Then wash the article with soap and water and rub dry with a clean cloth.
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