1907 Smacks and Smiles (Tenth edition) by Charles Smith

Tom Collins Brandy.

Use a large bar glass.

5 01- six daslies gum syx'up. 1 or 3do. Maraschino. Juice of small lemon. 1 wine-glass brandy. 1 or 3 lumps ice. Fill up with plain soda.

Tom Collins.

Use an extra large bar glass.

Vi table-spoonful of sugar. 3or 4 glasses of lime juice. 8 or 4 pieces of broken ice. 1 wine-glass of Old Tom gin. 1 bottle of plain soda. Mix well with a spoon,strain and serve. Attention must be paid not to let the foam of the soda spread over the glass ; this drink must be drank as soon as mixed to get the greatest benefit. Tom Collins Gin and Whisky. Are concocted in the same manner as the brandy receipt, substituting their respective liquors.


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