1907 Smacks and Smiles (Tenth edition) by Charles Smith

Brace up Saratoga.

Use a large bar glass.

1 table-spoonfuloffine whitesugar. 2or 3clashes of Boker's hitters. 3or 4 dashes of lime juice. 2 dashes of absinthe. 1 fresli egg. 1 wine-glass of brandy. 2small lumps of ice. Shake thoroughly, strain into an other glass, and fill with seltzer water and serve.

Brandy,burned,and Feacb.

Use a small barglass.

1 wine-glass brandy. ^ table-spoon sugar. Burn brandy and sugar togetherin a dish m* ennnpr- t or sauce . 3 or 3 slices dried peach. Place the fruit in the glass, pour the burned liquid over it, grate a little nutmeg on top, and serve. .Phe above is a Southern prepara tion, and often used in cases of diar rhoea.


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