1907 Smacks and Smiles (Tenth edition) by Charles Smith

Fancy Brandy Cocktail, No.2. Use a large bar glass. 2or 3 dashes gum sj-rup. 2dashes Marascliino. 2dashes Angostura bitters. _1 wine-glass brandy. Twist a piece of lemon peel in the mixture, expressing the oil. Fill glass halffull offine ice;shake well,and strain into a fancy cock- tail glass the rim of which has been moistened with lemon juice. Fedora. Use a large bar glass. 1 pony of the best brandy. 1 pony of Curacoa. ^ ipony Jamaica rum. i poni"^ of Bourbon. . ^ table-spoonful of sugar, dissolved in a little water. 1 slice of lemon. Fill the tumbler with fine ice • shake welland ornament with berries or small pieces of orange. Serve with a straw.


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