1907 Smacks and Smiles (Tenth edition) by Charles Smith

Gin Fizz.

Use a large bar glass.

itable-spoon sugar. 3or 4 dashes lemon juice. 1 wine-glass Old Tom gin.

Put all in the 4 glass, full of line ice; .shake well and strain into a fizz glass. Fill up with Seltzer or Vichy water and do not fail to drink quickly.

Gin Fizz. :Ank. Use a large bar glass.

3 dashes lemon juice. 2 dashes lime juice, or half a lime squeezed into glass.

1 wine glass old Tom Gin. i table-spoon powder sugar. 1 dash raspberrj'^ syrup. A little cream of milk.

Fill glass with .shaved ice ; shake well and strain into a fizz glass and fill up with carbon. To be drank while fizzing.


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