1907 Smacks and Smiles (Tenth edition) by Charles Smith


(Use a large bar glass.)

Juice of M lemon. IH tablespoonful of sugar. 3or 3pieces of orange. 1 tablespoonful of raspberry or strawberry syrup. Fill the tumbler half full witli shaved ice, the balance with water; clash with port wine,and ornament with fruits In .season. 1 lb. finely-powdered loaf sugar. 1 oz. tartaric or citric acid. 20 drops essence of lemon. Mix,and keep very dry. Two or three tea-spoonfuls of this stirred briskly in a tumbler of water will make a very pleasant glass of lemonade. If effervescent lemonade be desired. M oz. of carbonate of soda must be added to the above. LemonadePowders.

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