1907 Smacks and Smiles (Tenth edition) by Charles Smith

Pousse Cafe(American).

Use a sherry ivine glass.

J Maraschino. i Curagoa. Chartreuse (green). i brandy. Keep the colors separate.

Pousse Cafe(Faivre's). Use a sherry trine glass.

A' glass Benedictine. .'A " Curacoa. A " Kirschwasser. 3 drops bitters.

Be careful and not allow the dif ferent colors to mix with each other.

Pousse Cafe (French.) Use a sherry tvine glass.

iglass Marascliino.

" raspberry syrup.

.1 " vanilla. t " Curagoa.

" Chartreuse.

{( " brandy. In compounding the above, use a small wine-glass for pouring in each article separately, be very careful in doing so, that each portion may be separate.

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