1908 Jack's Manual by J A Grohusko


(Use large bowl.) the whites of any num- up frequently, so that eggs will not separate or settle. (To serve.) Put I tablespoonful of batter into Tom and Jerry mug I jigger rum and brandy mixed.

Tak ber of eggs and beat to a stiff froth Add V/i tablespoons of powdered sugar to each egg Beat the yolks of the eggs separate. Stir well together and beat till you have a stiff batter.. Add to this as much bicarbonate of soda as will cover a nickel. Stir

Fill up with boiling water or milk, grate nutmeg on top, stir with spoon and serve.


Use mixing glass half full of ice 2 dashes of orange bitters 2 dashes Angostura bitters Fa jigger Tom gin V2 jigger Vermouth (Italian). Stir well, strain into cocktail glass, add cherry and float creme d'yvette on top.




Use mixing glass V2 full of ice 2 dashes Absinthe 2 dashes Maraschino 2 dashes orange bitters I dash Angostura bitters V2 jigger French Vermouth ka jigger Plymouth gin. Stir well, strain in cocktail glass, put in olive and serve. 5S

(In whiskey glass.) I dash Field's orange bitters 80% Bailor Vermouth 20% high and dry gin. Twist a piece of orange peel and serve.

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