1908 The World's Drinks and How to Miw Them by Hon Wm Boothby (1st edition)

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..Th e glasses fill wit h generous juice, As generous as your mind; Anc1 pledge me ia your generous toast, 'The whole of human kinc1.' "-Danfol O'Connell.

370 ALE SANGAREE. P lace a teaspoonful of sugar in a suitable glass and clissolrn it in a jigger of water. Fill the glass with ale, grate nutmeg on top and serve. BRANDY SANGAREE. Fill a large bar-glass with fiu e ice, add a jigger of cognac auc1 a spoonful of sugar, shake thoroughly, strain into a small cut glass, grate. nutmeg on top and serve. 372 PORTER SANGAREE, OR PORTEREE. The same as Ale Sangaree, with Dublin Stout substituted for ale. (See Recipe No. 370.) PORT WINE SANGAREE, COLD. Into a small mixing-glass place a barspoonful of bar suga r anc1 two jiggers of port wine; shake thoroughly with some cracked ice, strain into a thin glass, grate nutmeg over the top and serve. WHISKEY SANGAREE. Make t he same as a Brandy Sa ngaree, with whiskey substituted for brandy. (See Recipe No. 371.) WHITE WINE SANGAREE. Proceed the same as iu making a Port Wine Sangaree, with the c1esirec1 b rand of white wine substituted for port. (See Recipe No. 373.) 371 .373 374 375

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