1908 The World's Drinks and How to Mix Them by Hon Wm Boothby


One-third French Vermout h, one- third Cin zauo Ita lia n Yermonth, oue– th ira Coates P ly mouth o-in and five c1rops of Benedictill e. Fra ppe, :rnd serve in Cocktail g lass. 0 ' LOFTUS COCKTAIL. On e-third F rench Vermouth, on e-third Cin zano Italia n Vermouth, a nd one-th ird AbsiDtb e. hake well w it h cracked ice, and sen ·e in stem gJa s. LONE TREE COCKTAIL. ORIGINATED AT MYOPIA HO:'>IT CLUB, HAMILTON, :MASS . One-t hird Coates P lymou t h g in and two-thirds Cin za no Itali an Ver– mouth; chill t horoug hl y, and :en ·e in Rtem 'ockta il o-i::tss. MANHATTAN COCKTAIL. (LAilIB"S CJ,UB, NEW YORK.) Into a small mixi11 g-glas place two clashe. of Orange bitter , two tlrops of Angostura bitters, half a j igge rful of Jtali an Vermout h. a nd half a .iig– gerful of Bourbrrn ·wh isk ey; t ir t horong hl;v, . train into a c hill ed Cock tail g lass, t·wist a nd squeeze a pi ece of lemon pee l o,·er t he top, a nd sen-e. N. B.-Wheneve r Ita lia n Vermou1·h is needed in th e compo ulldin o- of a ny bc,, erage, t he Cin zano brand shou ld alway b e used. MARGUERITE COCKTAIL. OONCEIVED BY THI~ E'_\MO CS "O'l'TO" O J;• HI!::\RY'S HOTE:T,, :\0. 11 IWE VOLNEY, PARIS, FRA:\CJ':, .\ J\D POPOJARIZED I N AMERIC~\ BY 'l'HE LA SALLE HOTEL BAR, CHICAGO. Into a large mixin g-gl:l s of crnck ed ice place t he j ui ce of one-half lime, just enoug h Grenadin e to o,·ercome the ac idi ty of the li me j ui ce, a j igger of Coate. P lymo uth g in, a da h of Ab iu t he, ancl t he white of an egg ; shak e well, train, a nd se n ·e in cla ret gla s . MARTINI COCKTAIL. In to a mi xin g gla of crack ed ice place t wo dashe: of Ora nge bitters, half a j i gg~rful of Old Tom gin, a nd hal f a jigger of 'in za no Italian Ver– mouth. St n thoroug hl y, stra in in to a t em Cock tail gla. s, and se n ·e. N. B.- A flavor of orange or lemon rilld is p er mi . ib le in t hi drink. MAZDA COCKTAIL. Into a mixillg glas of cracked ice, place t hree-qua rters of a jiggerful of Dubonn et, _and one-q ua rter of a jiggerful of Appl e J ack or App ly b randy; sha k e well w1th c1ack ed ice, tra in, and sen -e in Cock ta il gla s. MARY ANN COCKTAIL. One-third Dubon net, one-third Orange j uice an d one-ti\ ircl FreDc h Ver– mout h. Shake ~vell with cracked ice. MERRY WIDOW COCKTAIL. F rappe thoroughl y equal pa rt s of By rrh w in e an '! Coat es P lymouth g in, and se n-e in clnll ed Coc kta i I glasses. McLOUGHLIN COCKTAIL. . A LA H UGII McLOUGHLI:'-1, SAN illATEO. CAh Into a la rge champag ne gla . place a jigger of Creme de C'ognac, a da sh of Angostnra b itters, a nd a l 1ece of tw ist ed lemon p ee l; fi ll t he glas with frapped cha mpag ne, and ~mile. MIKADO COCKTAIL. I nto a mixing glassful of cracked ice, place a bar poonful of Orgeat syrup. two clro1s of An o-ostma bitter , a nd a j igge r of Cognac; cool thor– o.11g hl y, ::incl sen ·e iu t cm Cocktail gin

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