1908 The World's Drinks and How to Mix Them by Hon Wm Boothby

VER-GIN COCKTAIL. This populal' appetizer del'i,·es its title from a co mbin at ion of the first syl labl e of t he wol'd Vermouth a nd the mono.yll able g in ; i.e., \ er-Gin , and is a mixtm·e of equal pal'ts Cin zano Vermou t h and Coates Plymouth g in w ith a dash of orange bitters a nd a tw·ist of l emon peel added . ' T his dl'ink mu st be se l' ved ,·e l'y cold. VERMOUTH COCKTAIL. Tnto a small rnixin g g lass place ~o m e cracked ice, two dash e. of Orange b itters, two drops of A ngostu ra bittel's, t hree·q ua rters of a .jiggerfu1 of Fren ch V ermouth, a nd one-quarter of a jiggerfu l of Ttaliau Vermouth; stir tho rough ly, strain into a ch ill er! Coektail gla ss, tw i ta piece of lemon peel o,·er th e top, and sen·e wi th ice wate r on the side. . S hould one desire to brew a Cock ta il with one kind of Vermouth , F renc h Vermou th should a lwa~rs be nsed, and a littl e toddy water may b e added to it i f t he ben•r:ige is out to be d ry. Italia n Vermouth should never be u ~cd al one in a Ve l'm nuth Cockta il as it is not adapted to that purpose. NOTE-Jn making a ' ermouth Cockta il of two_k inds of Vermouth, a ehc l'ry or berry mav be u<;ed to r1eco rate; bu t in mak 1 ~1g a French Vermouth f 'ocktail fruit should n eve r be used, but im olive, a p1mola or French ha~el- W AGNER COCKTAIL. Onc-th i l'd. n<' gi n. nne-thil'd C' herry brandy. one-thin'! Cinzano (Tta lia n) \'c nn out h, one clft.s h of Ornnge bitte rs. Ser ve ,·e l')' cold. WH ISKEY COCKTAIL. A little sug:ir a nd water , two drops of An gostura bitters, n tw ist of lc1non pee l. and a jigger o.f f!"OOd w bi ~k ey; ag itat e thorough ly with crack ell ice, st niin iuto ~tem Cocktail glass, a nd sen·e. WH IT E PELICAN COCKTAIL. J"l a ,·o l' :t Co:lf·es Plymo uth g in nnd French Y ermouth Cocktail (G ib.··on) wit h nhout n small l :n~ poonfn l of Jtnlian (C' in za no) Vermouth, a nc1 sen·e ,·ei·_,. ,cold with haze lnnt or olives. W ILD ROSE COCKTAIL. Onc-qual'ter lta linn (Cin z,1110 ) V e rmouth , one-quarter l"l'cn ch Vermout h, 0 111:-hal.f Contes Plymouth gi n, a da~h of Onwge_ bitters, a nd a drop of An.gostu1a bU;tern; stir f·l10 roug hJ.v with crack ed ice, st ra in in to Cocktail g lass, twist H pi ece of ora nge p eel nYer th e top, a nc1 se n ·e. YORK COCKTAIL. A mixing gla . s lrn lf fu ll of fi ne ice, three dashes. of Ornnge_ hi tters. li:tlf a ji~0 1· 11f good w hi~kC')', and half a jigger of C1n z:rno_ [tali:in Ver· mouth; 1111 x we ll , st rnin int o te rn Cock ta il gla.s, squet>zc '1 pi ece of lemon rinr1 il.



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