1910 The Barkeeper's Manual by Raymond E. Sullivan (second edition)

15. 13 e as honest t o you r sel f as t o you r cust om­ ers. T h i s rule w o r k s bot h w ays. 16. A poor m an m ay be a gen t lem an , as w ell as a r ich one— don ’t for get it. 17. K n ow you r r i gh t s and prot ect them . 18 . Regu l ar h ou r s f o r business, and at t end to you r business. 19 . L oo k ch eer fu l and happy, even t hough you feel blue and h eavy. 20. A l w ays keep sober. 21. N ever sell to a drun k en man, b y so doing you place yo u r sel f w it h in t he pow er o f the law . INDEX B I T T ERS: pa g e Br andy Bi t t er s............................................................. 44 Effervescent D r augh t ............................................... 44 Essence of Bi t t er s..................................................... 45 Formul ae—Best Yet Bi t t er s................................. 45 Port abl e Lemonade................................................... 45 Rum Bi t t er s.................................................................. 45 St ought on Bi t t er s....................................................... 45 W ine Bi t t er s............................................................... 44 CO BBL ERS: Cat awba Cobbler................ 22 Champagne Cobbler.................................................. 23 Claret Cobbler............................................................. 23 Rhine W ine Cobbl er ................................................. 23 Sher r y Cobbl er ........................................................... 22 Whiskey Cobbl er ....................................................... 23 CO CK T A I L S: Absint he Cockt ail ...................................................... 5 B. & O. Cock t ai l ....................................................... 6 Baldwi n Cockt ail ......................................................... 7 Br awner Cockt ai l ....................................................... 5 Br onx Cockt ai l ........................................................... 4 Cl over Club Cockt ai l ............................................... 8 56

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