1925 ca Buckstone Book of Cocktails

113. Fifth Avenue Cocktail. i Crcmc cle Cacao, J Apricot Brandy, J cream. Pour into liqueur glass without mixing. Do not ice. 114. Fine and Dandy Cocktail. i Plymouth Gin, i Cointreau, ^ lemon juice, dash of Angostura Bitters. Shake and strain.

115. Five Fifteen Cocktail. i Curagao, h French Vermouth, J cream. Shake and strain.

116. Fizzes (see "Long Drinks" end of book).

117. Flips. 1 egg, i-tablespoonful sugar, glass of either Port, Sherry, Whisky, Rum or Brandy. Shake well and strain into medium-sized glass, and grate a little nutmeg on top. IIS. Fluffy Ruffles Cocktail. 4 Bacardi Rum, 4 Italian Vermouth, piece of lemon peel. Shake and strain. 119. Four Flush Cocktail. 4 Bacardi Rum,4 Swedish E'linch, J French Vermouth, dash of Grenadine. Shake and strain.


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