1925 ca Buckstone Book of Cocktails

205. Netherland Cocktail. 3 Brandy, Jv Cnragao, dash of Orange Bitters. Stir. 206. New Corpse Reviver Cocktail. i Brandy, 1 Italian Ycrmonth, \ Calvados. Shake and strain. 207. New York Cocktail. i Canadian Clnb Whisky, i Rose's Lime Juice, lump of sugar, piece of orange peel, 2 dashes of Grenadine. Shake and strain. 208. Nick's Own Cocktail. i Brandy, h Italian Vermouth, 1 dash of Angostura Bitters, 1 dash of .'X.bsinthc. Shake and strain, Sciueeze a piece of lemon peel on lop. Serve with cherry.

209. Night Light Cocktail. 3 Curagao, J Bacardi Rum, yolk of egg. Shake and strain.

210. Odd Mclntyre Cocktail. J Brandy, i lemon juice, i Lillet, J Coin treau. Shake and strain.

211. Olympic Cocktail. i Brandy, J Curagao, i orange juice. Shake and strain.


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