1912 Dr Siegert's Angostura Bitters

1 dash of seltzer. 4 or 5 sprigs of mint.

Crush the mint slightly with muddler and 611 up glass with cracked ice; add one jigger of gin; stir gently; and serve with a spoon.

QIN SOUR Use a large bar glass. M tablespoon of sugar. 2 or 3 dashes of lemon juice. 1 dash of lime juice. 1 squirt of seltzer. Dissolve the sugar and lemon well with a spoon. of a wine glass 611ed with 6nely shaved Ice. 1 wine glass of Holland gin. Mix well, strain it into a sour glass, diess with a little fruit in season,and serve.


Use a whiskey glass. teaspoon of sugar, dissolve well in a fittle water.

1 or 2 lumps of broken ice. 1 wine glass Holland gin. Stir up well, and serve.

The proper way to serve this drink is to dissolve the sugar with a little water, put the spoon and ice into the glass, and hand out the bottle of liquor to the customer to help him self.


One wine glass Carypton. .Shako well in shaker with shaved ice, dash on top with Anoostuka Bittehs before serving.



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