1912 Recipes of American and other Iced Drinks by Charlie Paul
34-CHAi\IPAC:\E Ct;P. L. D. Same as No. 131, substituting champagne for ·sauterne. 35-CHARLlE'S l{l'\ lCKEBE l N'. S. D. Ta ke a wine glass ; put in half a liqueur-glassful of red noyeau, half ditto of maraschino, ha lf di tto of yellow chartreuse in the order named, and be careful not to let t hem mix ; next, float the un– broken yolk of a new laid egg on the surface, then build up a pyramid of the whisked white of the egg, a nd finally, clash a few d rops of Angostnra bitters on the top. 36-CH ARLIE'S OWN. S. D. Pill a tumbler with chipped ice; put in ha lf a teaspoonful of powdered sugar, half ditto strawberry syrup, half liqueur-glassful of yellow cha rtreuse, one liqueur-glassful of bra ndy, a nd one new laid egg ; shake this up well first, then acid ha lf a. glassful of champagne; a fter which, mix \\'ell , t hen strain off into a pony tumbler.
37-CHEST PROTECTOR. S. D. (Recommended by Mr. Bertra m.)
Fill a half-pint tumbler with cl"Lipped ice ; put in a teaspoonful of sugar and a new la id egg ; add a liqueur-glassful of old brandy ; then sha ke well a nd strain off into a small pony tumbler, sprinkling a little nutmeg on top.
38-CHAi\IPAGl'\E PU1\CH . (About 1 Qua rt.)
Take a small punch bowl, empty into it one bottle of champagne , three tablespoonfuls sug.ar ; -0ne sliced orange, the juice of one le~on, two shces -0£ pine-apple cut in small p ieces, a w1ne-glassful . of r aspberry or strawberry syrup ; ornament wit h fruits in season, and serve in champagne glasses.
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