1912 Recipes of American and other Iced Drinks by Charlie Paul

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39- CHARLrE PAUL'S OWN DECA:\TER BITTERS. Take a large botllc or decanter, a nd put in <]uarter pound of raisins. two ounces cinnamon, one o unce snake root . one lemon a nd one orange cut in slices, one ounce cloves, one ounce a llspice, and fill wi th Santa Cruz rum, a nd remain until it suits the palate ; then decant a nd fill up again with the rum. T o be kept in bottles a nd sen·cci in pony glai;ses.


Fill the t umbler with chipped ice; put in half a t easpoonful of powdered sugar; add three or four

-11 -CLARET CUP. L. D.

Fill ha lf-pint tumbler with chipped ice ; put in a teaspoonful of powdered sugar, and squeeze half a lemon in ; add half a liqueur-glassful of cura~oa a nd a glass of claret, fill up with soda water ; ornament with fruits in season, a nd serve with s traws . ' 42-CLARET CUP .'\ LA LORD SALTOUN . Take a small punch bowl; peel the rind off one l<'mon, add a tablespoonfnl of powdered sugar, pour upon it a glass of sherry and a bottle of claret a nd sweeten to taste ; add a sprig of verbena a nd a bottle of soda water; strain a nd ice it well , a nd serve with nutmC'g.

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