1912 Recipes of American and other Iced Drinks by Charlie Paul

97- l\IlNT JULEP. L. D. Take a large soda-water glass ; put in a tea– spoonful of powdered sugar, a table-spoonful of water; mix well with a spoon ; take two or th ree sprigs of fresh mint ancl press them well in the sugar and wa ter until the flavour of the mint Is extracted ; then take out the mint, adcl half a winc– glassful of brandy. half a liqueur-glassful of old .. Liquid Sunshine " rum, half a liqueur-glassful of vellow chartreuse ; tl1en fi ll the tumbler full of chipped ice; shake well ; decorate the top with fruits in season , and place a bouquet of mint on top: finally, dash \\;th claret a nd sprinkle a little white powdered sugar over the mint, and ~crve with straws. This is a drink fit for a king. 98-)llXED PUNCH. L. D . • Fill a half-pint tumbler with chipped ice ; squeeze ha lf a lemon in, add half a teaspoonful of powdered sugar, a liqueur-glass of pine·apple syrup, ha lf a glass of brandy, one liqueur-glass of " L iquid Sunshine" rum ; then shake well a nd clccora lc with fru its in season and serve with straws. 99-i\IORNING GLORY coc 1-:TAIL. L. D. Take a large tumbler half full of chipped ice ; add_three dashes gum .syrup, two dashes of cura<;oa. two_d ashes. Boker s bitters, one dash absinthe, one pony br~n~ly, one pony whiskey ; stir t horoughly and strai n mto a small t umbler; fill up with soda or seltzer, and stir with half teaspoonful of sugar. 100---i\IOSELLE CUP. L. D. Sarne as No. 131, substit uting mosellc for ~a uterne. 10 1-MOTHER'S l\IILK. L. D. ~ Fill ha lf-pint tumbler with chippecl ice ; put in a teaspoonful of raspberry syrup a nd a liqueur-glass– ful of brandy, fill up with new milk ; shake well a nd serve with s traws.

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