1912 Recipes of American and other Iced Drinks by Charlie Paul


107- 0LD CHUM'S REVIVER. L. D. Pill a ha lf-pint tumbler with chipped ice; squeeze half a lemon in ; add half a teaspoonful of sugar, one liqueur-glassful of strawberry syrup, a nd half a wine-glassful of bra ndy; fill up with soda-water ; place slice of lemon on top, and serve with straws. 108-0RGEAT LEJ\IO~ADE. L. D. Use a large soda glass one-third full of ice, add a tablespoonful of powdered sugar, half a wine– glassful of orgcat syrup, juice of half lemon, fill up with water; s hake well; ornament witl1 frnit in season, a nd serve with straws. 109-PEACH BRANDY AND HONEY. S. D. Same a s ~o. 122, substituting peach brandy for rum. 1 1 0-PIC l~-l\I.E-UP, OR BRACER. L. D. Use a large soda -water glass, which half fill with chipped ice; squeeze a whole lemon in; add ha lf teaspoonful of Angostura bitters; then pour in a bottle of seltzer water, stir well with long spoon, and serve with straws. 111- P I NE-:\PPLE J ULEP. L. D. Take a small bowl with about a pound of ice; add the juice of one orange, ha!I gill raspberry syrup, half gill of ma raschino, half gill Old Tom , a pint sparkling moselle, the half of a ripe pine– apple cul up in slices ; serv e in large bar glasses, and ornament with berries in season. I 12- P INE-APPLE PUNCH. Fill ha lf-p int tumbler with chipped ice; squeeze n lemon in ; add a liqueur-glassful of bra1:dy, a nd ha lf wine-glassful of pine·apple syrup; fill up with soda-water ; decorate with !r11its in season, and serve w'. th straws.

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