1912 Recipes of American and other Iced Drinks by Charlie Paul


in, add half a wine-glassful of sweet brandy, a nd half a liqueur-glassful of kiimmel; then strain off into a pony tumbler.

134-SHERRY COBBLER L. D. F ill half-pint tumbler with chipped ice; put in half wine-glassful of plain syrup, a good wine– glassful of pale sherry; shake well and decorate with fruits in season ; dash the top with claret a nd serve with straws. 13j-S.HERRY EGG NOGG. L. D. Take a pint tumbler with somc ice; add one-and– a-half teaspoonfuls of fine white sugar, a fresh egg, two wine-glasses sherry, fill up with new milk a nd shake until well mixed ; strain into a la rge goblet a nd grate a little nutmeg on top. 137-SILVER flZZ. L. D. Fill halI-pint tumbler with chipped ice ; put in a teaspo~nful of powder?d sugar; squeeze ha lf a lemon 111 ;

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