1912 Recipes of American and other Iced Drinks by Charlie Paul
153··- \\"l-llS KEY CR l."ST.\. S. D. Fill tumbler with chipped ice ; sq11<:ezc lialf a lemon in; add a teaspoonful of strawberry syrup, a nd half a wine-gla!;sf11 l of Bourbon whiskey ; shake well and strain 111to a wine glass, first ha,·ing moistened the outside of the glass and dipped il into powdered sugar ; pl;icc a slice of lemon on top. 154-\\IHISKEY D.\ !SY. S. l>. Take half-pint t umbler half-full chipped ice; add three dashes gum syrup, two dashes orgeat syrup. the juice of half lemon, a wine-glass of Bourbon or rye whiskey; shake well and strai n into a la rge cocktail glass. and fill up with syphon st'ltzer or apollinaris water.
155-WHISKEY FLZZ. L. D. Same as No. 64, substituting whiskey for gin.
15~\Vlll S l' EY J ULEP.
L. D.
Same a s No. 97, substituting whiskey for brandy, omitting fancy adornments. Sec Gin J ulep, Xo. 65.
157-\\"I-IIS KEY SLl l'G. L. D.
Same a s No. 67, substituting whiskey for gin.
158-\\"HfS J.,:EY SOt;R. S. D.
Same as No. 69, substituting whiskey for gin.
15!}--WHISI..:EY Si\fASH. L . D. Snme as Xo. 26, substituting whisl:cy for brandy.
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