1912 Recipes of American and other Iced Drinks by Charlie Paul


HIGH-CLASS CHOCOLATE ICE CREAl\1 (EXTRA QUALITY). Take 1 quart of 1iew milk, 1 pint of cream, 1 pound of powdered sugar, 4 ounces of chocolat e powder (Rowntree's), and the white of 3 eggs. Put in to a saucepan 1 gill of water, and when boiling add the chocolate powder gradually, a nd stir well; remove from fire, a nd make the chocolate into a thick, smooth paste, without lumps, and wa it until cold, then add the milk, cream, suga r a nd eggs; stir well a!together until il:ll arc dissolved , st rain through muslin and freeze JU the usual way. K.B.-The addition of a teaspoonful of vanilla· extract will much improve the quality. CHOCOLATE SYRUP. To make, put 1 pint of cold water into a copper boiling pan or an enamelled saucepan, and let it boil, tbeu add gradua lly ~ p ound of chocolate powder (Rowntree's unsweetened). Take off fire a nd stir well to a good creamy paste, without a ny lumps, then add 2 quarts of cold water a nd 5 pounds of granulated white sugar. l\lix well a nd put the whole on to boil, stirring all the time to prevent burning. Boil for five minutes, then remove from fire and strain through muslin or cheese cloth When cold acid 1 ounce of good caramel colouring. · CHOCOLATE SYRUP DRlKK. Draw 2 ounces of chocola te syrup into a 12-ounce glass <'1.;lld nearly fill up with iced_soda water. St ir well with long spoon a nd serve with a good foaming head. COLU:\IBfA FIZZ (NEw) . To ma ke, take-– Pine-apple juice ... Extract of va nilla Orange syrup P lain syrup Citric acid ... Shake and bottle for use. JO OZS. drachm . pint. I pint. 2 drachms . ! I .r •

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