1912 Recipes of American and other Iced Drinks by Charlie Paul


VANILLA ICE CRE:\i\f. (High-class-about 2 quarts-ri rst quality.) Ta ke 2 quarts of milk, 1 q uart of cream, 3 pounds of g ranulated white sngar, the white of 6 eggs, well– beaten, 4 teaspoonfuls of best vanilla extract. Do not bo~ the milk ; add the milk and sugar together a nd _stir well until all is dissolved, strain through mnslm, then add the crea m and eggs. well-beaten u p together with the ,·ani lla extract. Freeze in usnal way. \ "Al'\JLL.\ ICE CHEAi\f. (Second quality-abont 3 qnarts.) Take 2 qnar ts of milk, 1 ~ pounds of granula ted wh ite sugar, .+ eggs, 1 ounce of ge.atine, 1 ! ounce:; of vanilla extract . Pour the milk into au enamelled sancepan a nd pnt on the fire to boil, then remove: a dd the suga r gradnally nntil all is dissolved, and let it stand until cold ; then add the eggs, well beaten up, together with the va nilla extract. Cut up the gelatine very ~mall , a nd dissolve in a little water for ha lf an hour, a nti. when dissolved add to tl1e above. After mixing, strain through muslin carefully, a nd freeze in tl1e usna l way. TO ~IAI-\E \\"HIPPED CHEAi\1. Put ~ pin t of thick _cream into a basin with 2 tea– spoonfuls of fine white powdered sugar, 1 tabl()– spoonful of fresh lemon juice, a pinch of salt, and the white of a large egg beaten to a froth, then ~e t the basfo in cold water and whisk briskly wi th p atent egg beater for a bout ten minutes until a firm froth rises ; put into glass bowl and set on ice. Use ladle to serve ";th, and put the whipped cream on all cream heverages. EGG FLIP. (See Ice Cream Flip.) Repeat above, but put 2 ounces of fresh cream instead of ice cream.

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