1912 Recipes of American and other Iced Drinks by Charlie Paul


MI~ERAL WATERS. In the manufacture of mineral waters it is very important that makers should use the respective salts after which the waters are named. Large doses of Bicarbonate of Soda, Potash, &c., such as a re recommended in the British Pharma– copceia for Medicinal Mineral \Vatcrs, of course may be unpalatable or injurious to many if taken regularly. This is why, for ordinary trade, only 3 to s grains per bottle arc recommended, while t he medicinal should contain three times t bat quanti ty· LITHIA. POTASH \ VATER. SELTZER \VATER. SODA \VATER. CARLSBAD. H ARROGATE. VtCHY . N.B.-For each of the a bove "'.\lcdicina l Waters a proper solution can be supplied . HINTS FOR DISPENSERS. Th~ succc;;s of a Soda Fountain largely depends on skill, aptitude, and civility. E verything about it should be neat a nd scrup u – lously clean. Syrup jars should be taken ou t a t least once a week, the remainder of syrup passed through muslin , the jars washed out a nd refilled. Straws should not be given for Egg Drinks unless asked for, but otherwise straws should be put into the glass when serving. The Syrups made from the precedin$ R ecipes a re froru pure F ruit Juices, and not with Artificial Essences.

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