1912 Wehman Bros.' Bartenders Guide How to Mix Drinks
BLUE BLAZER. • (Use two si lver·plated mugs.)
One smR.11 teaspoonful of powdered white sugar dis– solved in one wine glass of boiling wat.,r . One wine-glass of Scot.ch whiskey. Put the whiskey a nd the boiling water in one mug, i~nite the liquicl with fire, a nd while blazing mix both ingredients by pou ring them four or five times f rom one m ug to the other. If well done this will hR.ve the appearance of " con– tinued stream of liquid fu-e. Serve in a small bar glass with a piece of twisted lemon peel. BRANDY, BURNED, AND PEACH. (1.Jse a small bar glass.1 One wine-glass of brandy, One-ha lf tablespoon of suga r, Burn brandy and suga r together in a dish or saucer. 'l'wo o~ three slices of dri~d peach. P lace the frnit in the gla~s, pour the burned liquid ovf)r it, grate a little nutmeg ••n top, a nd ser ve. The above is a 8outhern preparation, and often used in cases of diarrhrea.
BRANDY AND SODA. (Use a large har glass.) One wine-glnss of b ra n BRANDY C'1AMPAREL~E, No. 1. . (Use a she.ry wine-glau .) One-qn R.r ter wine-glass of curacoa (red), One-quar ter wiue-glaFs of chnrtreuse (yellow), One-qnarter wine-glass of anisette, One-qnnrter wine-glass of k irschwasser or brand y, whichever the customer dP.sires, and serve. Attention must be paid to prevent bh~ different liquors from running into each other , to have them perfectly separated and 'distinct. BRANDY CHAMPARELLE, No. 2. (Use a aherry wine-glaaa.) One-thlrrl wlne-gla.~s of brandy, OnP.·thil'rl wine-glass of mnraschlno, _ One-t.hird wine-glass of angostlira bitters. K eep <:olors separate.
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